Thursday, May 12, 2016

People Vote With Their Feet

Dad said something interesting today.  I've talked many times about how the Church is making changes to fill the pews.  Dad said that the United Church made these kind of changes, and that at a deanery type level meeting that he was a delegate at, he said that "all we are doing is rearranging the deck furniture on the Titanic."  He also said that the United Church is the fastest declining denomination in Canada, and that it is because they are at the center of every controversy and that there is no democracy.  Every decision is made at the General Council level, and there is no say for the congregations, no appeal process, and no referendum process.  He said that the people aren't leaving the Church, that the Church is leaving the people.  The doctrinal changes that are being made go against the beliefs of those who have sat in the pews for years.

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