Saturday, May 14, 2016

Women Deacons

So, The Pope has made a public enforcement for allowing women to be deacons.  This is great news.  It may be a step to women priests, bishops, and cardinals.  What about St. Paul's writings about women not being allowed into positions of authority in the Church you ask?  (Was St. Paul speaking to a specific Church in a specific time, as liberal proponents of exegesis suggest?  Was St. Paul speaking to all Churches of all time, as traditionalists suggest?  Do I care?)  Well, as with many Bible oil patches on the tri-oval track of faith, I say follow your heart and do what your conscience will allow.  I go back to Romans 14 again.  READ IT.  Do not judge your brother (obviously if she has a vagina, she is a sister folks...duh), do not put a stumbling block before your brother, do not argue with those weak in the faith either, and be all thing to all men (vagina again) to win them for Christ.

Basically if somebody tells me that it's a sin, and they're obviously p1$$ed, I'm not going to stand there and argue with them.  I think it's a good thing, but it's going to happen anyway.  I'm not going to tell them they're wrong, sinning, hateful, or anything like that, either side.  As Mother Teresa said, "No matter who says what, you should accept it with a smile and do your own work."

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