Sunday, January 10, 2016

The End of Canadian Democracy

How will we appear to those outside Canada?  How corrupt will we be when the Liberal Party of Canada rigs all future elections in their favor with a preferential ballot?  It'll be like the USSR where you have to be a party member to aspire to leadership.

P.S.  Those who vote left will vote once for the NDP and once for the Liberals and not for the CPC.  Those who vote right will vote once for the Conservative Party of Canada and for neither of the other two.  The left will double their votes and under a preferential ballot system, CPC candidates will need a majority--or close--to win any riding.  That is the destruction of democracy.  Plain and simple.

P.P.S.  The major parties of Canada are the CPC, LPC, NDP, Bloc (only in Quebec), and (arguably) the Green Party (with one seat in the house out of over 300).  Only two parties have ever held power, one left and one right.  Thus, people have had a choice, left or right, socialism vs individualism, state's rights vs liberty, centralization vs local control, consolidation of power vs small government, group privileges vs individual equality, redistribution of income vs rewording those who study and work hard, oppressive stiffing high taxes vs low taxation allowing people and businesses to flourish.  We're about to loose everything on the right side of the vs, and more importantly the right of people to choose.  Tell me again tongue in cheek how a preferential ballot is better because it gives us more choices rather than fewer choices.

P.P.P.S.  The objective of every campaign should be to win and beat the other side fairly, not to literally destroy them and rule forever.

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