Saturday, January 30, 2016

Best and Worst of Humanity

Today I saw some of the best and worst of humanity.   On my way to pick up Chandra, I came upon a truck in the ditch on county road 111.  He was in a deep drift filled ditch.  I pulled up to help.  An elderly man in his 70s replied that he didn't have a cell phone.   I did.  He had CAA, so I phoned for him.  I offered to let him sit in my Jeep out of the howling wind.  I talked to him.  I learned some of his story.  We sat and talked for over half an hour.  The tow truck showed up and he asked me what he owed me.  I replied, "Absolutely nothing."  He got out and I remembered to thank God that I didn't have to deal with another horrific crash.  They pulled him out and he was on his way.  I continued on my way.
I picked Chandra up in Brantford and returned home, picked Cindy up, and went out to eat at Features.  When we left, I saw that a car had parked in front of me, partly in my spot.   But, I wasn't mad.  It would take a lot of back and forth to get the angle to get out without hitting either car parallel parked on either end of me.  I checked my mirror and waited.  I was parked about half way between Waterloo and Downie.  I waited until the street was clear.  I could see the Eastbound traffic at the lights at Downie.  I started to wiggle out.  A full size pickup truck gunned it at the green and came roaring up behind me, laying on the horn.  I had my nose out on a 35% angle or more into the lane before the truck crossed Downie.  I was very angry.  I admit I wanted to confront the driver in the large black truck.  I stopped at the red light at Downie with the truck so close that I couldn't see the headlights.  When the light turned green, the truck changed lanes and passed me, a dark haired woman extending the middle finger.  I did not return the salute.   And that is why I do not believe in karma.  I'm still angry.  Why do people have to be so hateful?  
Bishop Bob, or maybe it was Bishop Bruce, said that he'd gone into a coffee shop where the server was slow and the customer before him was irate.   The server was having a bad day.  Sure, the Bishop was inconvenienced.   He was late.  He told her it was okay, thank you, and have a nice day.   What did it cost him?
It's been a hard and super stressful new year at work and the world gives me no breaks.  I'm so looking forward to my booked vacation.  I feel like it is long overdue and needed for mental wellness.   Thanks be to God for this upcoming break.

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