Saturday, January 30, 2016

Chandra With John Tory

She even has on the right colour.

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Best and Worst of Humanity

Today I saw some of the best and worst of humanity.   On my way to pick up Chandra, I came upon a truck in the ditch on county road 111.  He was in a deep drift filled ditch.  I pulled up to help.  An elderly man in his 70s replied that he didn't have a cell phone.   I did.  He had CAA, so I phoned for him.  I offered to let him sit in my Jeep out of the howling wind.  I talked to him.  I learned some of his story.  We sat and talked for over half an hour.  The tow truck showed up and he asked me what he owed me.  I replied, "Absolutely nothing."  He got out and I remembered to thank God that I didn't have to deal with another horrific crash.  They pulled him out and he was on his way.  I continued on my way.
I picked Chandra up in Brantford and returned home, picked Cindy up, and went out to eat at Features.  When we left, I saw that a car had parked in front of me, partly in my spot.   But, I wasn't mad.  It would take a lot of back and forth to get the angle to get out without hitting either car parallel parked on either end of me.  I checked my mirror and waited.  I was parked about half way between Waterloo and Downie.  I waited until the street was clear.  I could see the Eastbound traffic at the lights at Downie.  I started to wiggle out.  A full size pickup truck gunned it at the green and came roaring up behind me, laying on the horn.  I had my nose out on a 35% angle or more into the lane before the truck crossed Downie.  I was very angry.  I admit I wanted to confront the driver in the large black truck.  I stopped at the red light at Downie with the truck so close that I couldn't see the headlights.  When the light turned green, the truck changed lanes and passed me, a dark haired woman extending the middle finger.  I did not return the salute.   And that is why I do not believe in karma.  I'm still angry.  Why do people have to be so hateful?  
Bishop Bob, or maybe it was Bishop Bruce, said that he'd gone into a coffee shop where the server was slow and the customer before him was irate.   The server was having a bad day.  Sure, the Bishop was inconvenienced.   He was late.  He told her it was okay, thank you, and have a nice day.   What did it cost him?
It's been a hard and super stressful new year at work and the world gives me no breaks.  I'm so looking forward to my booked vacation.  I feel like it is long overdue and needed for mental wellness.   Thanks be to God for this upcoming break.


The problem with leaving your mark is that it's not always a good thing, like a dog pissing on a pole.  Piss stinks.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Keep given' 'er!

It's not how many times we fail but how many times we try again.

Sunday, January 24, 2016


They say that life begins at 40.  I'm finding that this is true, not just because one is more affluent, but knows more.  There's so much more to enjoy.  There's so many thing to enjoy, so many things I'm discovering or have discovered that make me say, "I should have started this 20 years ago."  And, "Why didn't I start this sooner," or "Why didn't I know about this before."  There's so much I didn't know about or enjoy.  I was ignorant and naive about a great many things.

Guns are just tools.

Do you think it was wrong to nuke Japan in 1945?  Do you use power from the Bruce nuclear plant anyway?

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Friday, January 15, 2016


So, two new guys were at the gun club for training last night.   Two brothers, students, in their early twenties,  of Middle Eastern descent, you know you're thinking it. 

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People who know me well constantly disappoint me by not allowing me to guess when they say, "Guess what?"

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Wuv, troo wuv...

I've given it considerable thought; and, I believe love is sacrifice.  A priest I know once asked me if I regretted the choice I made to not enlist in the navy to be a family man.  I told him in confidence that I did, very much.  I will regret it until the day I die.  It may be my single biggest regret.  That being said, I did it out of love.  I sacrificed for those I love.  Jesus said that the greatest act of love is to give your life for a friend.  That's the ultimate sacrifice.  I think that putting others before yourself, sacrifice, is love.

Iron Knee

I saw a liberal feminist priest post--sorry, like and/or share--a meme on Facebook that said we can let the events that wrong us harden us, or we can become softer (kinder).  I'm paraphrasing, but it is apparently a quote from the Dali Lama.  So, my first thought was, "That's ironic!"  I, like so many, do not see the irony of these kind of posts when I post them.  They cut both ways.  Don't let things harden you?  From an ardent outspoken feminist no less!

Loud Bible Page Turner

I dreamed yesterday that I was at an abbey (convent?) that looked a lot like St. Gregory's in Three Rivers, MI.  And, the prioress or superior kicked me out--mid meditation/prayer--for being disruptive; I was turning the pages in the Bible too loudly.  It was very upsetting.  They were also expecting a visit from the president, but that didn't go anywhere.  I was quiet sad to be booted.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Man From Nazareth

A friend lent me a book months ago.   I started reading it today.  Wow!  Published in 1949, I'm not through the first chapter yet.  It feels a lot like The Case For Easter.  It's amazing and I've already learned things I didn't know before.  I did approach the book with caution, given to me by an Atheist.  I had an uh-oh moment when I read the term historical Jesus, thinking back to C.S. Lewis' criticisms of the case for the historical Jesus.  So, I stopped for a brief prayer before continuing.   It looks as though the author is a Christian after all.  It should be a fun ride.

The Dog Murderer

I don't want to be that guy who brings their dog to be put down because the animal has become an inconvenience.   I brought Louie home with pain killers today.

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Sunday, January 10, 2016

I'm ready to finally write about the Oct. election. Here is all that I am prepaired to write at this time:

Devastated.  Heartbreaking.

The End of Canadian Democracy

How will we appear to those outside Canada?  How corrupt will we be when the Liberal Party of Canada rigs all future elections in their favor with a preferential ballot?  It'll be like the USSR where you have to be a party member to aspire to leadership.

P.S.  Those who vote left will vote once for the NDP and once for the Liberals and not for the CPC.  Those who vote right will vote once for the Conservative Party of Canada and for neither of the other two.  The left will double their votes and under a preferential ballot system, CPC candidates will need a majority--or close--to win any riding.  That is the destruction of democracy.  Plain and simple.

P.P.S.  The major parties of Canada are the CPC, LPC, NDP, Bloc (only in Quebec), and (arguably) the Green Party (with one seat in the house out of over 300).  Only two parties have ever held power, one left and one right.  Thus, people have had a choice, left or right, socialism vs individualism, state's rights vs liberty, centralization vs local control, consolidation of power vs small government, group privileges vs individual equality, redistribution of income vs rewording those who study and work hard, oppressive stiffing high taxes vs low taxation allowing people and businesses to flourish.  We're about to loose everything on the right side of the vs, and more importantly the right of people to choose.  Tell me again tongue in cheek how a preferential ballot is better because it gives us more choices rather than fewer choices.

P.P.P.S.  The objective of every campaign should be to win and beat the other side fairly, not to literally destroy them and rule forever.

The Time Machine

In the time machine, two races of people evolve those above and those who live below ground; but, Wells got it wrong:  It's those who live in the cities and those who live (or were raised) outside the cities.  And, we are so different.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Peter Rock

I was watching a TV Evangelist this morning (I'll add his name later) and he touched on a point I haven't heard of since I was studying with the Jehovah's Witnesses.   He said that Jesus said on this rock while pointing to Himself.  It's a commom point to make when attacking the position of the Catholic Church on apostolic succession. 

He also went on to talk about prayer and praying without ceasing.   He talked about how Jesus prayed on the Mount of Olives and how the disciples couldn't even pray for one hour as opposed to the few minutes most of us spend in prayer....

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The NDD hit me pretty hard yesterday.  I talked to Cindy a little, but it was very hard.  This is zero year after all.

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Saturday, January 2, 2016

Wholly Carp

$34 entries! 

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Science, as it is used by those who would have it oppose Christianity.

Matthew 18:14Good News Translation (GNT)

14 In just the same way your[a] Father in heaven does not want any of these little ones to be lost.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Jesus in Psalm 2

Jesus is all through the Old Testament, including parts of Psalm 2.  Strange too that there is a verse 13 in the BAS.

Faith to Drive Them Out

Exorcists say, an I believe, that God drives out demons.  Also, it is through the name of Jesus only that demons are driven out.  Yet, this and and another passage puzzle me.

An Interesting Article on a Subject that Has Been of Interest to Me

Interesting Article

P.S.  If you don't think Atheists flaunt their IQ, google the term Brightes.