Thursday, July 19, 2012

Jesus is Freedom from the Law or the Assassin's Creed

I was thinking about something St. Paul said and the video game Assassin's Creed--a great tool for the evangelical atheist.  The Assassin's Creed is this:  "Nothing is true.  Everything is permitted."  It reminds me of something Peter Hitchens said about the feeling at the moment of his conversion to atheism.  Freedom, he felt totally free in the sense that there was no future punishment for any immoral action done in secret or public in this life and he could do what ever he desired.  This sounds a lot to me like the Assassin's Creed.  But, they're reinventing the wheel.  St. Paul said that everything is acceptable, but not everything is good for you.  WE ARE ALREADY FREE THROUGH JESUS!

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