Thursday, April 26, 2012

Psalm 99

I was reading the 99th Psalm not all that long ago. One passage stuck with me: God forgave the Israelites and punished them. It kind of reminds me of the Roman Catholic practice of penitence. There's a notion in our society that if you forgive somebody, that's it. There's no repayment, no eye for an eye. Although I don't believe in penitence or purgatory, and do believe in the full and sufficient sacrifice of Christ, I do make a distinction between forgiving and forgetting; I like to say, "I'll forgive you for kicking me in the @$$, but I'm not bending over in front of you again." So, will we be punished, as some believe St. Peter was punished for denying Christ--three times--by Jesus as Christ asked him in front of all if he loved Him three times over? Will we enter the Kingdom of Heaven and pay in part for our sins? (Again, I'm not suggesting we can earn our way to Heaven). It makes me wonder a little.

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