Saturday, April 7, 2012

High Point

The high point in my faith--other than when I was a kid on the farm--would have been the last time I was laid off from Hendrickson. I had been through layoffs before. I always looked for, and found, a job right away. This time was different. I didn't panic. I didn't worry about bills, rent, or my next meal. I totally trusted in God. I didn't just say it, I lived it. I prayed to be called to ordained ministry (in spite of my deathly fear of public speaking). I never heard a call. Some would say, "You retard. That's because there's no God." But I asked and waited. I had no plans. I had no worries. I was more important than the birds. I want to get back there.

My great grandfather, after whom I'm named, was a faith healer. He had rock solid unshakable stupid blind faith. I want that. I know I can't heal; my faith is far too weak. My grandfather was the most devout man I've ever known, and he never healed. Oh to have William's faith....

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