Saturday, April 7, 2012

Mr. Sulu's Pic

The actor who played Mr. Sulu in Star Trek TOS is on Facebook. I liked his page, and follow his posts. Unfortunately, he is a very outspoken gay activist, liberal, and anti conservative. Anyway, he posted a pic a while back that caused quite a stir. It was Jesus and His disciples sitting around Him. He says to feed the hungry etc... Then one of the disciples says, "What if they're gay or worship other gods?" To which Jesus replies, "Did I stutter?" Then the trolling and b1tch1ng and hate started in post after post. But, gay debate aside, nobody seemed to be too concerned over the other god part. Jesus said to treat your neighbor as yourself and that it was the second great commandment. The first (before the second--because it is first) was to love God with all you being. Other gods? I don't think so.

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