Monday, December 6, 2010


I've been having trouble sleeping the last few nights. So, while I'm up anyway, I'll catch up on my God Wall. I say catch up because I have a few posts archived in my head. The subject below kind of ties in with my first post.

Do you believe that dreams tell us things? Not in a pagan divination kind of way, but in a subconscious mind thinking kind of way, about past events and the future? One night last week, I had a dream that I went back to work at McDonald's. I thought after the dream that it may have something to do with my discontent with my job (see prior post about bla (blah) and Star Trek). Occupational slumming, or having a McJob, is the concept where one works at a job below their skill level or ability. Although, sometimes dreams come from God. St. Peter had a dream (three times) from God. I just hope God is not sending me back to McDonald's (unless it's to get a Big Mac).

If I was a millionaire I wouldn't have to worry about going to work tomorrow, or ever again. I'm going to be a hurting unit at work tomorrow.

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