Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bum Hole--Even More on Judgement

Are you a bum hole? We as Christians keep forgetting one of the most important rules Christ gave us, judge not (born out of love). The people of the Church of Corinth forgot it. All Christians are part of the Body of Christ. A hand should never tell a foot that because they are not a hand, they are not part of the body. We (Christians) are all part of the body. Some of us are bum holes, because we judge. Sometimes I think we fail to understand that, not simply because we may have different views, but because we don't listen to each other.

I had an interesting conversation with a Christian friend not very long ago. This kind of ties in with the above. So, anybody who knows me knows that I complain a lot about secular and government groups and their policies on proselytizing. And, I complained to this friend a lot. And he kept hearing the word over and over again, proselytizing. This is kind of funny: So, the other day, he tells me he has a video for me to watch, on You Tube. It's an atheist saying that it's okay, proselytizing doesn't make him hate us. If we really believe what we believe, then we're trying to save them, and doing it out of love. The atheist gets that. My friend wanted me to know that I didn't have to be afraid to get out there and spread the Gospel. But, my friend hadn't been listening to me. He didn't get it, didn't get me. It's not proselytizing I have a problem with, it's anti proselytizing. He missed my message all along. Only the word proselytizing stuck in his memory, and the fact that I was so upset when I talked about it. I hate organizations' proselytizing policy. I hate it. I feel like they're asking me to deny Christ if I want to be part of their group. "Don't talk about Christ, you might offend somebody!" Anyway, to make a long story stop, this is how we don't listen. And he didn't do it on purpose, he just totally got it wrong.

Sometimes I get a mental image of two Christians in a room yelling at each other, "Jesus is the Son of God!" "No, he's God's only begotten Son!" And sometimes, when we think they have it wrong, we tell them they are a foot and not part of the body; we become the bum hole.

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Please don't censor me; I am trying to be honest and it is not my intention to offend anybody. If I have offended you personally, I ask you to accept my apologizes, forgive me, and consider not visiting my blog for my benefit.