Tuesday, July 6, 2010

When is it time to stop arguing?

William Ramier wrote
at 7:50pm
I said I had another post, and here it is. For me, it`s time to stop arguing when somebody uses the monkeys coming out of the woods question. When you get to the talking monkeys coming out of the woods part of the debate, it`s over. I`ll explain below. First, some great advice:

In my first semester of Police Ed. at Sir Sandford Fleming, I met a guy in my program who was ex army. He was very opinionated, but a great guy. He always used to say something like," I don`t want you to agree with me, but do you understand what I`m saying? Then I'm done." That's such great advice.

Now, about knowing when it's time to stop arguing:

When a Creationist and an Evolutionist argue, there comes a point when an irate Creationist may exclaim, "Then why aren't there talking monkeys walking out of the woods every day!" This shows more than just ignorance. This shows a lack of willingness to understand, plus it is inflamitory.

Well, I was having a discussion with an evangelical friend of mine once, who hit me with a monkey woods question. We were discussing the issue of prophecy. He said I needed to find out what God wanted me to do. I said that I trusted God, and that his goal would be carried out no matter what I knew. So, I gave him an example. I said, God used the Egyptians (this is where it ties in with the last post, see?). He used the high priest to prophecy, even though he was plotting to kill Jesus. That's when we got to the monkey woods part of the debate, where he refused to see my point at all, when he asked me, "So, you're telling me that you're evil like the high priest and God is going to use you like that. You'd better hope not my friend." :) Yes, we're still friends.

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