Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Eucharist for dogs?

William Ramier wrote
at 9:23pm
By now, you've probably heard about the Anglican Priest in Toronto who gave communion to a dog. At first I was pissed off, really pissed off. Now I don't know for sure how I feel about it. It seems to me to be another sign of the Canadian branch of the Anglican Church becoming increasingly more irreverent...liberal, watered down, and compromising--throwing out Anglican traditions to fill pews and turning every Bible account into a metaphor. It worries me. So, I guess I'm worried then. I'm not arguing for transubstantiation here, but if Jesus is present in the elements of bread and wine, how can you feed it to a dog? That's extremely sacrilegious. Cast not your pearls before swine? I understand that people love their pets, but come on. What about the warning in the New Testament about taking communion without understanding. Do you think a dog understands? Or is it an empty warning because none of it is real anyway? I'm sick and tired of it not being real. How do atheists get into positions of authority in Christian Churches? I guess the Devil is good at what he does. It reminds me of another New Testament warning about the Devil being able to mascaraed as an Angel of Light...and his servants as servants of God.

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