Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Baptism Issues

William Ramier wrote
at 9:01pm
Baptism: It can be a very controversial topic for Christians, full immersion or not, infant baptism or not, even water baptism or not. The last one is new to me. The argument against, as I understand it, is that the baptism rite done by mainline Christian Churches is a ritual of vain repetition with the Spirit not present in the rite. And, that, true baptism of the Spirit happens when you surrender yourself to/accept the Lord.

What do I think? Well, I think that in my Church baptism is more than just an empty rite. It's not just a water baptism; it's not John's baptism, which was a symbolic baptism with water. It's the baptism Jesus ordained, done in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as He instructed. It IS baptism with water AND the Spirit. If a sacrament is the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual grace, then the Spirit is present in the rite. The Holy Spirit is present and working.

Infant baptism? Sure, why not? I understand the argument that one should be old enough to decide for themselves. I get it. They should understand to be able to accept the Lord. But, in the first century Church, whole families were converted and baptized. And, Jesus said to let the little children come to Him. Who are we to say that the Holy Spirit CAN'T work in the the person being baptized as an infant. I don't think it's wrong to do it or not to do it, and the parents can decide. The only thing wrong here is to say that somebody else's baptism is wrong/invalid.

Full immersion is the least controversial of the above for me. I know that in the first century, they did full immersion. But, Jesus' instructions don't say that full immersion is the way to do it. So, again, make up your own mind. Just make sure to USE water, and to do it in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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