Tuesday, December 20, 2022

It still happens, and has nothing to do with God

When I heard Melissa Lantsman utter the words that all were welcome in the CPC no matter what day they worship on, it started me down a trail of thought.  I thought about how people were singled out and punished in the past in Europe for not being Catholic.  I also thought that, for those that proclaim how lucky we are today that we don't live in a country where you can be persecuted for not following the tenets of the state religion, you are wrong; the religion is just now Neo-Marxism/Post Modernism & woke culture. 

You can be persecuted in a variety of ways from being doxed and publicly humiliated to being cancelled or loosing your employment.  Anyone who stands out gets hammered down by the hammer that is herd behavior mentality that exists within a totalitarian state. 

I remember an episode of the Simpsons where they made fun of the schools restricting free thought with a joke about an independent thought alarm when Lisa wants to advocate for animal rights.  But, was free speech/though truly important to the Simpsons' writers?  Or, was it simply a facade for them to serve their own self interests, namely animal rights. 

Because, if you're truly an advocate of freedom, you fight for your enemy too; I disagree vehemently with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.  (Unknown)  I'm a bit of a Jeffersonian myself.

When the Church oppressed people in medieval and feudal--and even colonial--Europe, it was not the Church--nor was it God--who oppressed.  It was human beings.  I've said it many times; if there's one thing that human beings have excelled at in the last 10 000 years, it has been forcing others to live as we think they should.

As I have very recently said, the thought that Totalitarianism can't be established in a democracy is false; one only has to remember that Hitler was elected.

It is a religion, whether the god is Gaia, Hermaphrodity, Lenard, or the great demigod Marx.  Those who don't bow down--we even have compelled speech laws now--or confess with their lips can and will be punished.  It's a religion alright, complete with inquisitors. 

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