Monday, December 12, 2022

Highway Crown

I had another interesting dream last night.  It was very long, and I only remember the end of it now.

At one point, I was trying to cross a busy highway with people from work.  I don't remember why now.  I ended up at their house, but I had to continue on without them.  Their house was very messy and disorganized (bad 5S), as I made my way out of the garage and driveway and set out.

I found myself in a museum where there was an artifact that was heavily guarded.  I had entered by sneaking in the back way, avoiding the automated security system.

The staff caught me.  And, as I moved toward them to explain that I was trying to save the artifact, I triggered the "traps" in the museum. 

The automated security system started to lock down the museum and began to wisk away the crown (artifact).

As it did so, the crown spoke to me, and said that I was worthy; it prevented the security system from lifting it away from me.  Like Mjolnir, it could only be lifted by a few, and it was fighting the mechanical device lifting it.

I grabbed it and wrestled it away from the wooden mechanism trying to ferry it away to "safety ".  As I did so, I heard an evil laugh, which I recognized from the video game Dante's Ingerno.

What does it all mean?  I could guess.  If I were to guess, I would say work.  I think my subconscious is fighting my Imposter Syndrome and spurring me to take the risk, that I'm worthy to some other cause or entity. 

Psychologists have suggested in the past that internal conflict can manifest as dreams as the subconscious tells us what we need to know.  Almost like turning a compass needle with your finger, when you let go of it, it will spin and point North again.

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