Sunday, December 4, 2022


Sometimes life doesn't go as planned.  Sometimes there are major disappointments.  It's hard--but arguably better--to stay positive.  It has it's ups and downs for sure, life.  Good things come to those who wait and God has something better planned for you are not necessarily true statements, and irritating as council in times like these.  Many (perhaps most) times--though not always--people mistake confidence for competence, activity for hard work, overburden for disorganization, introversion for lack of interest, vexatious comments for assertiveness, rumors for truth, and lack of gregarious nature for lack of drive; and, it isn't fair.  Well, life isn't. So, suck it up buttercup?

I've observed before that women, for example, are attracted to males who exude (or appear to) confidence.  Humans do too, they like them more and choose them to interact with.  The squeaky wheel gets the grease. 

Women aren't attracted to assholes per se; they are attracted to what they perceive as confidence.  The asshole nature is a symptom of that same trait that causes attraction.  Similarly, they are chosen for opportunity for the same reasons.

There's nothing to do but keep your head up and press forward. Calm heads and hard work prevail, and may yet carry us through disappoint. 

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