Wednesday, December 28, 2022


 It looks like Cindy has finally arrived at much the same conclusion as I have, it just took her longer.

There has long been a rift; I have blogged about the rift.  Maybe the relationship between parish and parishioner has lost it's long fight, drawn it's last breath, and given up the ghost.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022


People used to joke that the government is now running all the rackets that the mob used to control, vices from gambling and alcohol to things far worse.  The truth is, the government is just controlling everything period, even the traditional jurisdiction of the Church.  Helping the poor and orphans was once the undisputed stomping ground of the faithful.  Still is, I guess, the faith is just not the policy of leftist Marxist bureaucrats. 

It still happens, and has nothing to do with God

When I heard Melissa Lantsman utter the words that all were welcome in the CPC no matter what day they worship on, it started me down a trail of thought.  I thought about how people were singled out and punished in the past in Europe for not being Catholic.  I also thought that, for those that proclaim how lucky we are today that we don't live in a country where you can be persecuted for not following the tenets of the state religion, you are wrong; the religion is just now Neo-Marxism/Post Modernism & woke culture. 

You can be persecuted in a variety of ways from being doxed and publicly humiliated to being cancelled or loosing your employment.  Anyone who stands out gets hammered down by the hammer that is herd behavior mentality that exists within a totalitarian state. 

I remember an episode of the Simpsons where they made fun of the schools restricting free thought with a joke about an independent thought alarm when Lisa wants to advocate for animal rights.  But, was free speech/though truly important to the Simpsons' writers?  Or, was it simply a facade for them to serve their own self interests, namely animal rights. 

Because, if you're truly an advocate of freedom, you fight for your enemy too; I disagree vehemently with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.  (Unknown)  I'm a bit of a Jeffersonian myself.

When the Church oppressed people in medieval and feudal--and even colonial--Europe, it was not the Church--nor was it God--who oppressed.  It was human beings.  I've said it many times; if there's one thing that human beings have excelled at in the last 10 000 years, it has been forcing others to live as we think they should.

As I have very recently said, the thought that Totalitarianism can't be established in a democracy is false; one only has to remember that Hitler was elected.

It is a religion, whether the god is Gaia, Hermaphrodity, Lenard, or the great demigod Marx.  Those who don't bow down--we even have compelled speech laws now--or confess with their lips can and will be punished.  It's a religion alright, complete with inquisitors. 

Sunday, December 18, 2022


Sometimes, it's harder...

To sleep or not to sleep, perhaps to die

Somniphobia, the fear of death when falling asleep.  Not sure, I don't know if this effects me.  I think it's more of a fear of acute death as you fall into sleep, racing heart, rapid breathing.  For me, it's more long term, big picture; I think about where my 47 years put me on the time line.  Although, I've also experienced the physical symptoms as well.  It sucks.  Irrational fears?  Maybe, but they don't seem to plague me so much during waking hours.  Does my conscious mind push them out?  This has troubled me always.  I remember crying to the babysitter as a young boy, as I contemplated my own mortality prior to sleeping. 

I've been saying this for years. You can't treat people different.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Civil Liberty

 If you think that people's rights cannot be trampled in a democracy, remember:  Hitler was elected.

Thursday, December 15, 2022


Jordan Peterson mentioned that fatherless boys don't luve as long, there's something measurably shorter on their DNA or cellular sub structure.  It reminds me of the only Commandment with a promise attached to it; honour your father and your mother, and you will live long...

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

The End 666 Apocalypse Revelation Holocaust

I went to see Jordan Peterson speak last night.  It scared the shit out of me.  I honestly believe that I will not live to see my grandchildren; I believe the human race has less than 10 years left, probably 3.

Songs that remind me of people

This will be a living post; I plan on updating (adding to) it.  So here we go:

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

A Truth

Old women turn into worry warts.  Old men turn into sentimental old fools.

All I seem to be thinking about is work

I had a dream last night that I--out of frustration--got fired because I hit one of the GMs over the head with an encyclopedia. Person after person stepped forward to help me, old AMs, HR, etc... until, to each of them, I admitted to doing it.  To which, they responded by fading into the background.  Nothing, or nobody, could save me.

Monday, December 12, 2022

I did it!

I was singing Just Keep Swimming from Finding Nemo.

Check out my running activity on Garmin Connect. #beatyesterday

Highway Crown

I had another interesting dream last night.  It was very long, and I only remember the end of it now.

At one point, I was trying to cross a busy highway with people from work.  I don't remember why now.  I ended up at their house, but I had to continue on without them.  Their house was very messy and disorganized (bad 5S), as I made my way out of the garage and driveway and set out.

I found myself in a museum where there was an artifact that was heavily guarded.  I had entered by sneaking in the back way, avoiding the automated security system.

The staff caught me.  And, as I moved toward them to explain that I was trying to save the artifact, I triggered the "traps" in the museum. 

The automated security system started to lock down the museum and began to wisk away the crown (artifact).

As it did so, the crown spoke to me, and said that I was worthy; it prevented the security system from lifting it away from me.  Like Mjolnir, it could only be lifted by a few, and it was fighting the mechanical device lifting it.

I grabbed it and wrestled it away from the wooden mechanism trying to ferry it away to "safety ".  As I did so, I heard an evil laugh, which I recognized from the video game Dante's Ingerno.

What does it all mean?  I could guess.  If I were to guess, I would say work.  I think my subconscious is fighting my Imposter Syndrome and spurring me to take the risk, that I'm worthy to some other cause or entity. 

Psychologists have suggested in the past that internal conflict can manifest as dreams as the subconscious tells us what we need to know.  Almost like turning a compass needle with your finger, when you let go of it, it will spin and point North again.

Friday, December 9, 2022

I think I'll delete it attitude

I do t understand this "I think I'll delete it" attitude.  It puzzles me.  My mother wanted to delete her LinkedIn account because she rarely uses it and is retired.  I said, "why?  Just don't use it.  You don't have to delete it."  

People used to send out (post status updates) messages saying that they were cleaning up their Facebook contact lists.  Why?  It's not like a large list takes up too much storage.  I don't get it.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

I'm ok, btw

I heard a phrase uttered by a famous psychologist recently.  That, there's a huge difference between wishing to be dead and planning a time and a method (gun) etc...  The latter makes it a credible threat.

In a related vein, I've often wondered what the scripture "hate your life" really means.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Psalm 34 NIV - Psalm 34 - Of David. When he pretended - Bible Gateway

Reading Psalm 34 tonight, I was deeply moved by vs 18, as I continue to struggle with the Noon Day Demon.  Things have been tough for me as of late.

I also liked the verse that mentions thatevil will hunt the wicked.  Not for any particular purpose, I was looking for it recently,  and it was delivered.  Strange...

Sunday, December 4, 2022

DNA, and another thing...

 Also, we found Dad's biological father.  So, as it turns out, my paternal grandfather's parents were German and Dutch.  German did not show on my DNA results anywhere.


Sometimes life doesn't go as planned.  Sometimes there are major disappointments.  It's hard--but arguably better--to stay positive.  It has it's ups and downs for sure, life.  Good things come to those who wait and God has something better planned for you are not necessarily true statements, and irritating as council in times like these.  Many (perhaps most) times--though not always--people mistake confidence for competence, activity for hard work, overburden for disorganization, introversion for lack of interest, vexatious comments for assertiveness, rumors for truth, and lack of gregarious nature for lack of drive; and, it isn't fair.  Well, life isn't. So, suck it up buttercup?

I've observed before that women, for example, are attracted to males who exude (or appear to) confidence.  Humans do too, they like them more and choose them to interact with.  The squeaky wheel gets the grease. 

Women aren't attracted to assholes per se; they are attracted to what they perceive as confidence.  The asshole nature is a symptom of that same trait that causes attraction.  Similarly, they are chosen for opportunity for the same reasons.

There's nothing to do but keep your head up and press forward. Calm heads and hard work prevail, and may yet carry us through disappoint. 

Friday, December 2, 2022


I saw a post on LinkedIn of a reporter removing the network decals from the vehicle because "they didn't feel safe".  They play the victim well.

First of all, this is reactive, not proactive.  Why are people angry at mainstream media?  Focus there maybe?  By the way, what journalist was attacked?

Second, could people be losing trust and turning their ire on the MSM because they've lost their objectivity and take government handouts?  Is the world wrong and the MSM journalist right?


I have suggested before that consciousness may in fact be an illusion, or words to that effect.  And, the subconscious really does rule us.

Is DNA a scam?

I have much less faith in the accuracy of DNA now than I once did.  See below.

So my brother and I did DNA tests.  The results were surprising.  Good, yes, we found Dad's late biological father and also his sister and brother; it's too bad Dad can't meet them.  But, we also say something missing.  My test came back 80% Scottish/Irish, 5% Baltic (WTF), and 14% Scandinavian.  Where was the Metis (crushing disappointment)?

For most of my life, the fact that we had Micmac heritage was hidden from us, for shame.  Things have changed now, thankfully.  I am proud to say that I am part Native.  I have known for years about my Native heritage, even though it was hidden from us in childhood. 

But, it didn't show up in the test.  And, strangely enough, Jewish and Asian (less than 1%) did.  One of my friends suggested that it may be Inuit (crossed on the ice from Asia) and not Micmac heritage that I have.

I think we have a long way to go with DNA testing.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Dena Boot

Boot 9 may be a repeat.  Sorry.

We hates it! Filthy Environment!

Just remember, it was the environment hating Conservatives under PM Harper who banned the use of micro beads, or at least built the policy that would be enacted.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022


Last month, alcohol became flammable. 

For two years, it's been in our workplace to combat COVID19.  Now, it has to be removed; it is a fire hazard.


Back in September,  I missed a 300k running goal by less than 3k.  ...because it slipped my mind that I owed a run on the last day.  I was so angry with myself.  I had been doing so well.

Boot Review

Was it controversial?  Absolutely.  Was it offensive?  Sure.  Should I not have a voice?  Everybody should have the right to self expression. 


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I made a mistake it this rough draft.  I am mostly White.  Der.  Not sure how I missed that one.
