Sunday, June 25, 2017

Last Night's Strange Dream

Another apocalyptic dream, this one had a few zombies--not a main theme a majority of the time--but not many.  My major concern was getting my cousin to teach me how to skin and clean a deer and collecting tools and bananas.  I remembe a farmer committing suicide by blowing up his barn; he couldn't deal with the reality that everything was gone.   I, of course had my .30-30, but didn't use it.  I was planning on hunting deer.  I also was looking for wire to catch rabbits and a fileting knife for some reason.   I don't fish, nor did I plan to.  After waking and reflecting,  I wonder how many people will survive when $h1t goes South?

Is it ethical?

Post deleted...
 See post regarding RCMP gun stats.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

You Cannot Serve Two Masters

Just a thought, maybe you can't serve God and the law.  I've aways read the verse as God vs. sin; what if it's God vs. the law?

That Feeling You Get

When it's only Saturday night but you're already dreading Monday.

Friday, June 23, 2017


The people that say to leave politics at home and cooperate are the absolute worst about doing it and use that line only to shut down debate.


My favourite part of the Karate Kid is when Daniel (after a melt down) realized for himself--has an epiphany--that the old man was actually teaching him karate.

We Are Truly Sorry and We Humbly Repent

I always dislike saying this part of the confession, because I understand the perpetual nature of sin.  The good that comes from it is that it makes one very conscious of the fault the lies within us while bolstering a desire to do better moving forward.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Is It Enough

Is it enough to know that you didn't do it when the other person thinks you did? Is it enough to know yourself that you are innocent? Do you just cut your losses?

Sunday, June 18, 2017


To my FATHER in Heaven:

May Your name be glorified.  May your rule come here like it is in Heaven. May Your will be what is done. Give to us what we need. Forgive us for our many failings. We will forgive our brothers and sisters in the same way. Please save us from tempting. Rescue us from evil. In your kingdom, to You belong all power and glory, for all of eternity. In Jesus' name I ask for these things. Amen.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Fw: Father's Day

--- On Sun, 6/18/17, William Ramier <> wrote:

> From: William Ramier <>
> Subject: Father's Day
> To: Wramier.godwallblog@blogger.comr
> Date: Sunday, June 18, 2017, 10:15 AM
> Rather than write about my father or
> step-father, I thought I'd write about being a father. 
> To those who are not, I want you to know that it is the most
> rewarding, heartwrenching, painful, and proud things I have
> ever had the privilege to be.

The Temple to The Unknown God

There is so much idolatry in the ACC now; and, I know my evangelical friends would say, "Amen brother!"  But, I'm not talking about the stained glass or the silver cup.  I'm not talking about the altar or the vestments.  I'm not talking about rite and ritual.  I'm talking about the Gaia worship, the veneration of Marx through the adoration of his gospel, the worship of the god of political correctness and his bastard demigod son affirmative action.  It has become more important to work to these ends using the Church (with words like stewardship, marginalized, and fair share) than to preach the Gospel, eat with the outcasts and sinners, comfort the sick and suffering, and worship Him in spirit and truth.

Last Night's Strange Dream

Last night I dreamt that I was playing a new version of Battlefield and I found a hidden re-spawn point for Ford vehicles. I was excited to learn that there was a modified Ford van with everything. It had med packs, food rations, kit changes, medic paddles, machine guns. I was trying ro get friends to form a squad to use this van for support on a raid. Then, I was looking in a bathroom mirror in a bathroom like in the old farm house. I discovered that I had contracted viral asian downs syndrome from somebody who had it.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Home is where the house is.

One of the things that bothers me in life is that, because we didn't own our first home until five years ago, we moved several times and Chandra may not have a place that feels like a childhood home. My home will always be the farm in Quebec. Chandra had three homes before she was 15. I wonder if any feel like home, Patricia Rd., Ontario St., McNab St.?

Strange Dreaming

First, I was at a job interview when I noticed that I was in my underwear. Then they thought that I had stolen a bazooka that I paid for when I left. After that I was working on a work project at home where I roughed up a coworker for a comment made after Chandra fell several times, accusing me of hurting her. Later, I was on a team/squad that seemed to have members from SG1 on it. We were tasked with stopping a missile launch. The dreams seemed to move along quickly and be unconnected. I'm not sure about how the transition happened from one to another or what they mean.

Friday, June 16, 2017

No, Liberals. The United States Is NOT The Murder Capital Of The World. - Chicks On The Right

Sheep to the Slaughter

You do not have the right to defend yourself. You are not allowed to own firearns in Canada for self defense. Even mentioning that as your intention is enough to have the government pull your PAL making you a criminal libel to five years in prison. Running, hiding, begging for your life are acceptable options. It is more important that you loose your life than fight back. For the record, I own no firearms for self defense; I do like sports shooting.


Americans have so much more disposable income than we do. Their taxes are so much lower. Because they are so much less socialist than we are, they retain more of what they earn to spend or save and to better themselves. Socialiam isn't just debilitating to the people who take the hand outs.

Classic Movie Monsters

I had a strange dream last night. There were all kinds of bad guys. King Kong was a good guy. He and I snuck into the bad guy lair where I was trying hard to not get caught eating chips. Godzilla was the head bad guy. Naturally I ended up running into him. I'm not sure where King Kong went. I tried to reason with Godzilla. Then I woke up.

Aging sucks. I have noticed it, thinning hair, loss of muscle mass--forearms and quads, grey hairs here and there, aching joints; I intend to fight it all the way.

12:1 Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;12:2 While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain:12:3 In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened,12:4 And the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of musick shall be brought low;12:5 Also when they shall be afraid of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grasshopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail: because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets:12:6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.  Ecclesiastes

Friday, June 9, 2017

Facebook posts from 2012 & 2013 are such a mess.

What a mess I made of this blog with all those posts of Facebook pages.  My recommendation is that you use the side links to navigate through posts when they are too long.  It's a lot of clutter.

God Found by Science

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Ima tribble speeler!

These two things are true:  I am a terrible speller; I take pride in writing correctly (spelling, punctuation, grammar).  I have recently updated my smart phone app for my Yahoo e-mail and discovered that it has some serious glitches, jumping around in the body of the text while I'm typing.  Sometimes I catch it; sometimes I don't.  It also spells worse than I do (very limited dictionary).  So, to make a long story boring as Dad would say, here is my point:  Do not let the misspelled words and grammar distract you from the message of the blog post.  Worse yet, sometimes I intentionally misspell works for effect and when reading the post months later I am unsure of the original intent.  Enjoy.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Fw: Fatcycle

On Sat, Jun 3, 2017 at 7:47 pm, William Ramier
&lt;> wrote:

The hallmark of our sloth entitled society are people who consume so much food that they become too fat to contribute to society.   They are rewarded by society by being supported with the money of others, sort of like the Roman Equestrian class.  Social assistance even provides them with electric tricycles.

Date Night

What do you mean you can't get a date?   No guy should be unable to find a date if you follow these simple instructions.  Head down to the end of St. Vincent street or the South end of Home St.  Announce in a loud indiscreet conspicuous manner that you are single and childless but can't find a nice girl, with a steady job that pays well, very lonely and without condoms.