Saturday, October 29, 2016

Strike Four! You're out!

I thought of a good way to illustrate the wrongness of affirmative action.  What if baseball let players who were of African descent have an extra strike to compensate for their lack of advantage rather than treat all ball players the same?  Would that be fair?  How would we compare players of one era to another when the game would be so changed?  Who would be the greatest of all time?  What if we gave Hispanic players an extra two strikes and didn't count their errors in the field, but counted them as outs?  Not because they're not better ball players--because for the most part they are--but because, they are oppressed in America.  How does baseball get away with treating everybody fair when the workforce does not?

Raison D'etre

I had a thought the other day; what if I'm here to be a father, my calling.  I'm not trying to compare my daughter to Jesus; but, what if my role is to be similar to the role of St. Mary?  And, I'm certainly not equal to Mary.  What if my daughter is the one who is to make a difference, make an impact? 

Friday, October 28, 2016

Fw: I like this version better.

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From:"Ramier, William" <>
Date:Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 3:55 am
Subject:I like this version better.


William Ramier

Manufacturing Shokucho


Cell: 519-535-8027



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@wramier: Satan is so good at his job, a master at psychological warfare.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

God The Supervisor

Compliment or reassure and then offer an area for improvement, that's a good coaching technique.  Reading the 92nd Psalm today, with it suggesting that we can bear fruit in old age was a comfort and reassurance to me that I could still have purpose.  Then, in the reading from James Ch 2, I am given an area for improvement; do not judge by outward appearance.  It is intended specifically for the poor, but I thought more along the lines of Dr. King's dream.

Prime Directive

If the Earth was about to be destroyed by a comet or meteor and you could time travel to safety, would changing the history of a dead world matter?

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Today reading from the first chapter of the book of James regarding the destruction of the rich was a little disconcerting.   I don't consider myself rich (owning a modest war time cottage and the first new car I've ever had), but I am mindful of how dependent I've become on money.  Living paycheck to paycheck,  destruction could come quickly.

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Monday, October 17, 2016


Sometimes when I'm typing fast, I forget to put question marks at the end of questions.  Is this a problem.


My blog just got spammed.  I can post to my blog via e-mail.  I was just looking over my October posts and noticed a post I can't recall posting.  Without my password, the only way to post is via e-mail.  Most of my non blog spam is delivered via e-mail.  So, assuming that they got my blog e-mail address, the question is now how did they get it?  I don't e-mail out from this address, and I don't include it in outgoing e-mail.  Could I have a virus?  Could somebody have hacked into my e-mail account?  Do I need to change/disable the post via e-mail option on my blog.  If you're reading this, and you notice spam, please let me know.  E-mail me at or leave a comment below one of my posts.  Thanks for your help.

Fall of Life

Vivian told me once that the leaves turn red and yellow in the Fall because of the hours of daylight, not the change in the weather.  So it is with death sometimes when it is sudden and unexpected.  It may only be early October in your life, the leaves may still be on the trees and green, but it could snow out of the blue without warning and without the signs of the change of the colour of the leaves.


Socialism is so attractive because it deceives us into believing that needs, desires, and services can be provided at no cost.  It's a lie that we want to believe, comfortable, easy.  The truth is ugly, hard, unpalatable.

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Bad Things

A cousin of mine passed away recently.   I attended her funeral today, celebration of life.  She was only about 46.  She left behind two teenage boys and a husband.  We never know.  We could go at any time.  It was a tragic passing.  The gears start turning.  Why?   I don't believe that God called her home.  Why?  I understand that suffering exists due to freewill.  Death exists due to original sin.  But, this untimely death wasn't inflicted by another human being.  So why?   I don't have an answer.  It takes me back to the question of why bad things happen to good people.  To witness, I'd like to have an answer.  For better understanding, I'd like an answer.  I can come to grips with an 80 year old passing away in their sleep.  Why do the young die?   Why do the good have bad things happen to them?

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Sith Bean

Another strange dream, this time I was a Sith, a la Knights of the Old Republic.  Our ship crashed on Earth a la Battlestar Galacticia.  I discovered that the sith lords were rendered powerless by the presence of coffee beans, just being on the same planet.

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Thursday, October 13, 2016

AI vs ID

The fear is that we will cause our own extinction with AI.  Some say that it is evolution.   What is better?  Neuro pathways? Relays?  Circuits?   Neurons?   Isn't the human just a biological machine?  Isn't the brain just a bio-electric hard drive?  Who built it better? 

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Wednesday, October 12, 2016


The problem with representative democeacy is that during the campaign the politician appeals to the median voter, then once elected acts on fringe beliefs and values.  Maybe once we are more cyberneticaly integrated we can have oligarchy back.

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Monday, October 10, 2016


I'm thankful for:
My wife
My daughter
My parents
My health
The health of my family
All my brothers
My nieces and nephew
My cousins
My aunt Peggy
All my uncles
To have work
To have a home
Food and to spare
My dental plan
All four of my MLB teams making the LDS
The Daily Office
St. Gregory's Abbey
St. John's Convent
Holy Cross Priory
St. Paul's Church Stratford
St. Barnabas Church
Mercy Ships
The freedom to own firearms
A good marriage
My heritage
The Monarchy
Our armed forces
My nice new car
Peace in Canada
Fr. Daniel
My garden
Freedom of speech
Disposable income
My Bassett hound
The companionship of my beagle, now gone
The same can be said for our ferret
My childhood home, the farm
The life lessons that formed me
The rain for the plants
The warmth for the growing season, & to enjoy
The beauty of the sky
The thin places
My faith
Forgiveness,  without which I'd be lost
The night to sleep
Irish Whisky
The responsible enjoyment of the above four
Fr. Ted
Fr. Warren
Canon Tanya putting me on Parish Council
Fr. Andreas & having me on AFP committee
The Goderich tornado shelter experience
My daughter's big heart
My wife's strong foundation
My daughter's smarts
My wife's love
Stratford's parks
Wildwood and other parks & campgrounds
My old sailboat
Dad teaching me to shoot
God's love & mercy
& so very much more
Mostly, God for all of the above

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Jesus wasn't a socialist.

When the rich man asked what he had to do to enter the KOH, Jesus told him that he had to get rid of his wealth, give it to the poor I believe.  The man walked away sad, because he was very rich.  Then, Jesus said to His disciples, "Get 'em boys!"  God forgive me; no He didn't.  It's supposed to be a free choice, from the heart.  Socialism is violence, it is backed by the threat of violence.  It has to be to take from some and give to others.  George should get to decide.

Manon Hype

When Manon Rheaume played in Tampa, I was so happy.  I was supportive and exuberant and held nothing back.  I don't think I would be now.  In fact, I'm sure I would be disgusted by the politicization of it and all the hype surrounding the moment.  Experience in dealing with ignorant in your face liberals has polarized me.  Don't get me wrong, I'm still happy for Manon; I just don't think I'd be able to enjoy it now.  I'd probably be disgusted.  Sorry, but I want to speak the truth.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Put Your Back Into It

Nobody wants to work anymore.  Nobody wants to earn anything.  Wants are needs in a world where everybody wants everything given to them at the expense of somebody else. 

P.S.  Cindy looked at my pay stub today and commented, "It's discusting how much they took off of your pay," to which I replied, "Don't even get my started!"


We've become a society of pansies.  A generation has grown up that can't deal.  We were trying to bring compassion.  We failed.  They didn't learn to deal with loosing.  We don't teach toughness.  Some say that masculinity has been lost.  We keep trying to play God, and we keep fu3king up.  Kids are far less well off now.  Suicide is up.  Depression and anxiety is up.  Segregation is up.  Social skills are down.  Problem solving in conflict resolution skills are nil.  We need safe spaces and we all have to be politically correct.  The perpetually offended might get upset.