Sunday, April 17, 2016

Speculation on Sin

I thought about how to word this post for over two weeks, how I would articulate it to communicate the concept. Were I a wordsmith that I might craft the perfect paragraph that would accomplish my goal (this is actually the second draft as Microsoft Windows actually f@$king restarted my laptop just before I posted). 

So, here I will try to do so.  Jesus said that we couldn't serve to masters without loving one and hating the other.  If these two masters are sin and God, we'd be alright if we would grow to hate sin.  However, more often sin drives a wedge into our relationship with God.  But, Jesus said that His yoke was easy; He didn't want us to follow a lot of rules.  Jesus even rebuked the religious leaders of His time for burdening the people with the weight of many rules that were hard to follow.  However, sin can only be our master in the first place if we resubmit to the law.  If we don't put ourselves back under the law, we are not a slave to sin.  We have already been put right with God through Jesus' sacrifice; why would we try to earn our own salvation by following impossible rules (submitting to the law)?  Everything is acceptable.

P.S. Maybe God restarted my laptop to change the wording of something I shouldn't have written.  I believe in the hand of God.

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