Sunday, April 17, 2016

A Truth

There are things women can do to lessen their odds of attack.  I know that people get up in arms when you appear to blame the victim.  Women should be able to walk the streets dressed how ever they want in our society.  Yes, I and you should be able to run naked in front of a wolf's den with a T-bone steak tied to your @$$ without anybody stopping you; but, it's going to increase your odds of something bad happening.  And, I lay the blame squarely on the shoulders of the perpetrator.  But, there are steps that a woman can take to lessen those odds.  e.g. not walking down an unlit street/alley late at night, not being alone, not (here's were I get the flak) dressing in a provocative or un-modest way.  Should women have to?  No. 

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