Friday, April 1, 2016

Fw: Easter Sunday Sermon

Yup, it made sense;  I was following.  I forgot how you used the there for Grandma part.   I have to admit that I cringed a bit, surrounded by all those BC&Ers.  But, it was explained well.  And, the idea that once we are in a relationship with God we can not be lost is both comforting and burden lifting.  We don't have to earn salvation. 

My dad used to say that it's as though you're out for dinner, and when the bill comes you can't find your wallet.  Just as you think you're going to have to wash dishes or worse, the waiter tells you that it's okay.  The Man at the table across the dinning room has paid your bill for you. 

I have taken comfort in St. Thomas' doubt and the fact that Jesus didn't let St. Peter drown, both as I have struggled with my own faith and also as I've failed to live up to the example set for me.    It is reassuring.

Take care.



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