Wednesday, April 13, 2016

A Truth

Not everybody is equal.   That begin said, it is the crowning acheivement of society that all people are free and treated equal.   It's paramount.  But, they're not all equal.   Individuals,  and--yes--peoples are not equal.  And, sometimes that's a good thing.  We all, as individuals have our strengths and weaknesses.  I love baseball, but I suck at it.  I am a poor public speaker.  I'm quite loyal and honest.  Men are stronger than women,  and women are tougher.  People from Portugal are generally very hard workers.   I admire the Chinese and Italian comunities for preserving their rich cultures so well.  People of African desent are generally very good athletes.  Asians are often of higher intelligence.   We can compliment each other.  All of this is both true and dangerous to state.  But, we are all not equal.  However, we should all be treated equal.

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