Tuesday, May 26, 2015


The one thing I got right in life was that I was faithful to my wife.   I was looking at the wedding vows in the BAS today, sacred vows:  to have and to hold, yes, although Eugene Levy's words from American Wedding come to mind; for better, for worse (we've been through both together); for richer,  for poorer (we've seen both); in sickness and in health (God has blessed us with good health): to love and cherish--love yes, absolutely (cherish,  it comes in moments it seems,  even still); for the rest of our lives according to God's law--we have made it this far (we have an arrangement,  if she decides to murder me, she has to let me know in advance and I will leave and she can have everything).  I have never been with another woman since we started dating.  I have never beat her or hit her (seems common sense, but you'd be surprised, even today).  I have never drank away our money or drank myself into a stooper.  I have never gambled away our money.  I have been a provider. We have had more than our fair share of arguments as we are both strong willed.   I doubt I would have fallen in love with a woman who was not my equal.  I look forward to the next forty years; I can't imagine living my life without her in it.

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