Wednesday, May 27, 2015

It Happens Elsewhere

"Since then, and probably prior to that, many evangelicals have felt that the spaces they have occupied in the Kirk are getting narrower and narrower. Freedom of opinion and liberty of conscience is being eroded and removed.  There is a strong and growing sense amongst them that the Kirk is moving theologically and ethically in its liberal direction, at such pace, that their own place within it is increasingly tenuous.  They are being pushed and marginalised to a place to which grace and Christian love ought never to have pushed them.

No minority can be rejected or oppressed forever.  The warning signs in the Kirk are there for any careful observer.  The steam is positively pouring out of the kettle.  Kirk evangelicals already feel unchurched.  In the Kirk's rush to be 'inclusive' it is the evangelicals who are being excluded.  They feel that the church in which they came to faith and in which they were matured in Christian discipleship has been hijacked.  There is common agreement amongst them that a denomination founded on the scriptures of the old and new testaments, summing up its Christian understanding in the superb Westminster Confession of Faith, has now been the subject a spectacular ecclesiastical coup d'etat."  Louis Kinsey

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