Monday, February 4, 2013

Just Like College

I was thinking about liberals in the Church again, and about college.  When I was in public school, I was beaten up almost every day for years.  This stopped when I got to New Carlisle High School, kind of like junior high.  My older and bigger cousin was in that school, and he put a stop to the beatings.  But, I sure wasn't one of the in crowd.  In '89, we moved to Ontario.  It was a new school and I knew nobody.  I had a heavy Gaspe accent, and was so not in the in crowd.  I made friends, some of whom turned on me.  I was no angel either in high school.  Everything changed when I got to college.  I was accepted for who I was by a group for the first time.  It didn't matter that I wasn't in the in crowd before.  They didn't even know that I wasn't, or acted the part.  I, in turn, befriended a new roommate in my second year, a straight out of high school momma's boy.  I introduced him to college and showed him the ropes.  I knew what he was, but it didn't matter.  I had the feeling that he'd never drank--let alone been to a party--in his life.  It didn't matter.  He went with us.  College was great.  I wish life was just like college.

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