Friday, February 15, 2013


After I go to the Ash Wednesday service, I always wonder what to do with the Cross that I have on my head.  Do I leave it on?  Do I remove it?  It's an internal debate.  I have usually left it on.  I've heard that you leave it on until sun down.  I have, in the past, gone out in public to stores and restaurants with it on, wholly aware of the attention it draws.  I have also removed it after Church.  Two scriptures come to mind.  The first, says that if you deny Jesus now, he will deny you before the Father on Judgement Day.  The second, is from the Gospel of Matthew, where it says that you are not to parade around making a show of your faith.  Pray in private.  Fast without telling anybody.  This reading from Matthew was the Ash Wednesday reading.  So, I removed the Cross when I got home.  That, I have not done in the last few years.  I went out for lunch, "naked and ashamed".  Another scripture comes to mind, one I know well and read this morning, the parable of the three servants who are given money.  The third servant buries his money.  This has always been a story to teach us to spread our faith, to me.  I have been given faith, I should invest it in other people, spread the faith.  I used to say grace for my food at work.  I thought about this a lot.  I thought that I would be denying Christ if I didn't, and it was a conversation starter; I could perhaps use it to evangelize.  I have long since stopped.  I started no conversations.  I came to the conclusion that people probably thought I was showboating.  I say a private thanks to God at work for my food.  So, what's right?  I don't know.  It's still an internal struggle.  My advice?  Pray about it, look into your heart, act in the moment, and may the Spirit guide you.

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