Monday, February 4, 2013


Luke 4:16 says that Jesus went to the synagogue as was the custom.  Fr. Ted was speaking about this in his homily this week.  I was thinking about how my evangelical friends are so anti tradition/ritual/custom/rite/orthodox/structure etc....  I thought about Jesus in God's house.  He was in the synagogue as was the custom.  Now, my friends will be quick to point out that when the veil was rent in two, it was symbolic of how everything changed in the relationship between the individual and God.  True, and I'm not arguing that fact.  However, consider this:  Jesus never sinned.  Therefore, being in the synagogue because it was the custom was not idolatry.  He was not making Church or ritual an idol.  There is nothing wrong with the customs of the Church.  Jesus was sinless.

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