Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Free will doesn't exist.

Is there free will? The brain is just a piece of meat. Thoughts are just chemicals and electrical charges. Some of your actions are instinct, some are learned behaviour. During a procedure apparently, doctors stimulated part of a patient's brain and achieved a specific response. It was automatic. When asked why they did it, the patient replied that they wanted to do it. Some have argued that choice is false; a person will react in a pre programmed way. Free will doesn't exist. Presented with the same scenario, a person will always react within a very narrow spectrum of actions. So, the Presbyterians were right; it is predestination. Maybe there is no free will. Maybe consciousness is an illusion; each living human believes they are conscious. Stephen Hawkin says that the brain is just a computer that fails to function when its components fail. I want to believe there's more than that, that there's a loving God who has a greater purpose for us.

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