Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life? It all adds up to sex. Our society is obsessed with sex, from porn and Hollywood celebrities' lives up close and personal to the debates over abortion, same sex marriage, and teenage contraception. We fight with each other for sex partners. We fight for money and power to basically get sex. More stuff, more property (peacocking), more and better sex. We want to do the things that we are supposed to do, that bring us pleasure, like eating, sleeping, even removal of bodily waste. Things like work and pain are unpleasant, expending needed energy and harm to the body. Think about what brings us the most pleasure, aside from chemically altering the brain; it's sex. Why? Because, the most important bodily function is procreation. The meaning of life? Life is for sex. I want to be more than an animal. I want to believe that there's a loving God who has a higher purpose for me.

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