Thursday, May 17, 2012

He Who is Without Sin

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Picture this:

Crowd: This man was caught in the very act of faggery! Our customs demand that he be banned from joining the military, from receiving spousal tax breaks, from working with small children, from ordination, and from any other position of authority. He mustn’t be treated equally under the law!

Jesus: Let he who is without sin table the first bill in parliament.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What does God truly want? Mercy.

I read an interesting post today. Apparently Dr. Laura said homosexuality is an abomination. She said that in Lev. 18:22 or something (I'll have to look it up later), it says that men are not to have sexual relations with other men. The poster, pro SSM, replied with another Lev. verse about being able to own slaves (something now seen as wrong), thus linking the two to show the former as being wrong too. But, they are both from a book of law. Jesus released us from the law. All the law ever did was show us our sin. We are no longer bound by the law. What does God truly want? Mercy.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Free will doesn't exist.

Is there free will? The brain is just a piece of meat. Thoughts are just chemicals and electrical charges. Some of your actions are instinct, some are learned behaviour. During a procedure apparently, doctors stimulated part of a patient's brain and achieved a specific response. It was automatic. When asked why they did it, the patient replied that they wanted to do it. Some have argued that choice is false; a person will react in a pre programmed way. Free will doesn't exist. Presented with the same scenario, a person will always react within a very narrow spectrum of actions. So, the Presbyterians were right; it is predestination. Maybe there is no free will. Maybe consciousness is an illusion; each living human believes they are conscious. Stephen Hawkin says that the brain is just a computer that fails to function when its components fail. I want to believe there's more than that, that there's a loving God who has a greater purpose for us.

What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life? It all adds up to sex. Our society is obsessed with sex, from porn and Hollywood celebrities' lives up close and personal to the debates over abortion, same sex marriage, and teenage contraception. We fight with each other for sex partners. We fight for money and power to basically get sex. More stuff, more property (peacocking), more and better sex. We want to do the things that we are supposed to do, that bring us pleasure, like eating, sleeping, even removal of bodily waste. Things like work and pain are unpleasant, expending needed energy and harm to the body. Think about what brings us the most pleasure, aside from chemically altering the brain; it's sex. Why? Because, the most important bodily function is procreation. The meaning of life? Life is for sex. I want to be more than an animal. I want to believe that there's a loving God who has a higher purpose for me.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Since when does socialism equal patriotism?

Granted, national health care has become an institution, even a valuable one. But, since when does socialism equal patriotism? Why do liberals always say that realists are anti Canadian for speaking their views about excessive social spending.

States Outlaw SSM

With all the states that are outlawing same sex marriage, it certainly appears that the people think it is wrong. I would even go so far as to speculate that they only conform in public because of all the pressure to be PC to save their jobs and house; and, with a secret ballot they show what they really think. You can label them narrow minded, ignorant, backward, inbred, bigoted, uneducated, hicks; but, you're telling me that millions of people are? The majority of the state? They feel it is wrong. They are entitled to their opinion too. I suspect many of them are not even religious. What would Darwin say?

Sunday, May 6, 2012

For My Benefit

The Rector's homily today really struck home. It was all about how we exclude and drive others who are different out of the Church, even if we don't do it actively. Now, I know she was talking about SSM; but, I thought about how unwelcome conservatives are in the Anglican Church. Oh, they don't ask me to leave (actively), but they only teach liberal ideals now and censor conservative ideas. Few think like me, and I feel surrounded and out numbered and unwelcome. I know she was talking about SSM, but I wondered if God was speaking to me through the homily just as He did through the high priest in Jesus' time (better for one man to die for the people). And, I found it ironic. Here's a homily for my benefit (to teach me to accept those who practice SS relationships) that really was for my benefit (God showing me that He knows how alone in the Church I feel). We sung Bloom Where You're Planted from the Glory and Praise book, and I asked myself, "Why has God called me to be here now?" Just like my presence on the AFP Executive Committee, I'm getting the distinct impression that I'm not supposed to be here (or at least not wanted here). I haven't been in Church in weeks, and I needed (and got a little) recharge. We're moving faster and faster to the left, and "change is good"; but, I'm expected to stay--and conform (change is only good when I'm not changing Churches). i.e. Change is good when it's change how they want. For some time now, I've been telling myself that I have to wait for Chandra to go off to university; I don't want to be disruptive to her. Where have all the conservative orthodox Anglicans gone? Where do I belong?

Bear More Fruit

The Gospel reading today was about pruning the vine so that it would bear more fruit. In my spiritual valley, I thought that maybe God is pruning me to bear more fruit.

When is it okay to judge someone?

When is it okay to judge someone? The simple answer for a Christian is never. But we all do it. For instance, a few days ago I wanted to add Ralph Klein to my Facebook list of influential people. However, I found I could not because I disagree so strongly with drinking and driving and he was a drunk. However, Churchill (a notorious drunk) was on my list; but, 70 years ago drinking and driving was socially acceptable (or at least overlooked). So, does that make it okay? Well, no; but, because of how society viewed it, Churchill was not really any worse for wear. Plus, I've always made the distinction of judging my man's standards vs. judging by God's standards. That is to say, I never judge a person as being worthy of going to hell, although I can't add Ralph Klein to my Facebook list because his behaviour is socially unacceptable.