Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Something has been bugging me since Sunday. I have been making a point to not write about politics on my God Wall. I have political views, strong ones. But this is bugging me. Our Rector's homily on Sunday included advice to vote in the upcoming election keeping the poor and marginalized in mind. She said to check out an OCAP article that reviewed the local candidates. My issue is with OCAP. I can not support OCAP because of their violent anti police tactics. And, I don't understand how good people can over look that aspect of the organization when they support them. Think about it; what are they planning to do when they break through the riot police line? Talk peacefully with the politicians? They're anarchists, really. And, I'm sorry, but I can't support anybody or group with links to them. My loyalties lay with the law enforcement agencies, the rule of law, and the keeping of the peace and order.

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