Thursday, October 14, 2010

Monkey Thing Again

Why aren't there monkeys walking out of the woods talking? If you've been reading this blog, you know what I'm talking about with the monkey woods thing. Why do we pretend to not understand?

I was again reminded of this when something somebody said was misused. Ann Coulter is a conservative outhouse upsetter who liberals love to hate, (right or wrong, love her or hate her) and they (liberals) do hate her. But, to be fair, they (liberals) took something she said and ran with it. She said something like (I'm not going to look up the actual quote--but feel free to), in her ideal America everybody would be Christian and the Jews would be perfected. The liberals said her remarks showed that she was anti Semitic and believed the Jews to be subhuman. That's not what she meant. If Christ is THE way to salvation, then ideally we should want everybody to be Christian. If the Jews were God's chosen people, and their scriptures truly speak of Jesus as the Christ, and they rejected Him, then their religion is imperfect and unfinished (until they accept Christ). But none of this is politically correct anymore. And so, we bow to the god of political correctness.

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