Sunday, November 19, 2023

What does it mean to help the poor.

The Lord said that we would always have the poor with us.  I remember what Thomas Sowell said about social programs and how they hurt the poor, the very people they were designed to help.  The question has been asked, "why is it greed to want to keep what you work for but not greed to take from others what you did not work for?"  Also, "how much of my pay cheque are you entitled to and why?"  Teaching a man to fish is better.  When you feed the waterfowl, you change their migration patterns in an unnatural way and they become dependent.  I mean, it is the path of least resistance. Making people dependent on the government takes away their dignity and their liberty.  It also makes them a nonproductive cancer on society.  Why do so many people think that the Lord's command to help the poor means Socialism?  Why does help=Marxism?

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