Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Psalms 144 & 146

We are a but a puff of smoke.  We go back into the Earrh.


 Exodus tells me some things that are somewhat disconcerting.  Exodus 23:13 tells me that I shouldn't even utter the name of another god, which I do often.  When I read/study mythology, when I play D&D, I do so often, actually.  

Exodus 22:28 tells me that I shouldn't be talking about how incompetent Trudeau is.  I do this often as well. 

I should be in a lot of trouble, right?  The great thing is that, although not always the best actions, these things don't damn me.  Jesus released us from the law, according to St. Paul.  But, you should go back and read all these things in context.

Knives Kill

The UK recently had a campaign to reduce knife violence in a country where people can't own guns, proving people kill.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Testing Kant or Proving Out Universallization

So, my wife and I went bowling on Saturday.  We had fun.  But, at one point, she said, "You're not letting me win, are you?"  So, because that's not outside the realm of possibility, that I would do so in order for her to have fun, the doubt was in her mind.  

I replied, "I'm trying to win, damn it," which I was.  But, deceitful actions cannot be universallized because nobody would trust anyone.  I guess that makes them unethical.

Why do we need a Federal Government

 I wonder.  Working from the premise that decentralization is a good thing, and that less government is more liberty, why do we even have a federal government?  Sure, money, treaties, and national defense need to be managed.  That is true.  But, for more local control, why doesn't the cabinet of each province just manage the nation?  They're accountable to voters.  Really, download 90% of the responsibility to the province and get rid of the bloated bureaucracy and give us back out money.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

There's so much good stuff in this one

I just finished reading the 19th Psalm.  It says that, as I chant it, I ask God for Him to forgive my secret sins.  It says that I ask Him to not let them get dominion over me.  It says that I ask for my thoughts and words to be acceptable.  Wow, there is so much grace here.

Can we give away as much money as we want?


What does it mean to help the poor.

The Lord said that we would always have the poor with us.  I remember what Thomas Sowell said about social programs and how they hurt the poor, the very people they were designed to help.  The question has been asked, "why is it greed to want to keep what you work for but not greed to take from others what you did not work for?"  Also, "how much of my pay cheque are you entitled to and why?"  Teaching a man to fish is better.  When you feed the waterfowl, you change their migration patterns in an unnatural way and they become dependent.  I mean, it is the path of least resistance. Making people dependent on the government takes away their dignity and their liberty.  It also makes them a nonproductive cancer on society.  Why do so many people think that the Lord's command to help the poor means Socialism?  Why does help=Marxism?


Today's Gospel reading was the parable of the master who gave three slaves money and one of them buried it.  To me, this story has always been about witnessing.  It does the community no good to bury your faith in the ground.  You have to invest it in others.

Friday, November 17, 2023

Do these women hate themselves?

 Is this trend of manvocates just women opportunists, or are they tapping into the market of the seas of disenfranchised men in the tsunami of woke leftist Post Modernist Feminist policy?  Young men are feeling resentful, and these ladies are cashing in. 

She's right you know, about thanks...

Perl was right:

The mortgage, I've been paying it since we bought our house.  It was almost impossible at first.  We didn't split the bills, my wife and I.  I paid the mortgage and the utilities...and the insurance on both.  We've been in our home for 13 years.  On $16/hour, it was tough, all I could do.  After I started paying my daughter's university student loan, I started falling behind (dept/line of credit).  I spent 25 years in a factory, sacrificing for my family.  Nobody made me do this.  I chose it.  I wanted to provide for my family, like instinct and duty.  Some say this is Toxic Masculinity.  I say it is love.  I realized for the first time last week that, anybody can pay our mortgage now.  Groceries and clothing are now almost as much as I pay for our home.  The mortgage--death contract--is not big deal anymore.  It's trifling.  Inflation has robbed me of my worth, my sacrifice.  It's not appreciated, what I do, what I have done.  It goes unnoticed.  It's, "meh, no big deal."  For years as I fought to tread water, racking up debt, paying for a car, house, utilities, insurance, working overtime, sacrificing career and dreams, inflation has made me unappreciated as I will have lived a life and entered the grave doing no more than the minimum expected of me.