Friday, May 5, 2023

Woke Mob

No longer confined to elites teaching at Marxist universities and their graduates becoming government policy makers, feminism is running amok in my workplace.  In a society where 51% of the population is female, Postmodernists and Neo-Marxists are cultivating a mindset of perpetual victimhood. It's a good gig, if you think about it.  Leftist lawmakers convince--via identity politics--a majority of the population that they are victimized, and there they have their useless idiot voter base.

In an office where there are six women and four men, I am routinely exposed to conversation including everything from their vaginas and their underwear to how much they hate men and how useless we (men) are.  And, they do it with impunity.  If I talked with the men about my c0c|< being swollen or how I liked boxers so my ba11$ could swing free, it would be a sexual harassment claim.  Why is it okay to talk about speckulems and paps?  It's not work, to be clear; it's society.  If I said women are irrational and overly emotional and can't make logical decisions, it would be a discrimination claim.  Why is it okay to say boldly and proudly that men are too neanderthal to understand how to be good parents?  I can only imagine how the women in the 50s and 60s must have felt in the workplace, being called Toots and being talked about like they weren't even in the room.  It was totally harassment to say that a broad's place is in the kitchen. 

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