Saturday, May 6, 2023

Fw: Let's Settle This - The results are in!

I was arguing--passionately--with Paul about Free Speech.  I put it to the audience. 

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From: "Let's Settle This" <>
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Sent: Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 6:00 PM
Subject: Let's Settle This - The results are in!
Let's Settle This

The results are in! Brother 2 received 100% of the votes. It's settled!

Situation: My brother and I were having a debate about free speech. He said that you shouldn't have the right to say something if it hurts somebody else. He continued to counter with the statement that people can not be trusted with freedom of speech. I see it as a step toward totalitarianism. Who gets to decide what is okay, what is hurt, how to punish?

Brother 1: It should be illegal to say certain things.

Brother 2: Freedom of speech is an extension of freedom of thought, otherwise you are in the closet and persecuted for beliefs.

© 2019 LetsSettleThis, LLC

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