Wednesday, May 31, 2023

There Is No Happily Ever After

Rachell is gone.  I'm disappointed that God didn't save her.  I can relate to St. Martha.  Lord, if You had come, she would not have died.  I'm disappointed.  In Christ's name, forgive me Father.  Amen.  I'm also disappointed in myself, however.  My faith was weak.  I failed.  It seems so unfair, and she was too young to leave this world, which makes me somewhat angry.  I'm sure her husband and daughter are very angry indeed.  LORD, I ask that you comfort them in Jesus' name.  Amen.  I'm sad.  It isn't right. She and Tony were so young; they didn't get their happily ever after. 


I had a wierd dream last night that I was being continually kidnapped.  I was late unplugging an electric kettle, so they threw the boiling water on me.  I was released, as per the daily customer, and became resolved to fight back.  I then woke up.


After months of praying for her, her funeral was yesterday.  Returning home yesterday, I read tha assigned psalms, 144 & 146.  Fitting, they were ponient.  We are a puff in the wind.


My gobbledygook is getting bigger.

Sunday, May 7, 2023


The hated arch enemy of Marxism is not Capitalism; it is Meritocracy.   It is because of Productive Privilage.  Those who produce more, have more.      The lazy woke mob wants to get paid for not producing.  They will prove out any Marxist sub-ideology to justify their inaction toward being productive.    Like unions that protect the lazy and incompetent worker, Socialism rewards mediocrity and promotes a bare minimum effort.  There is no incentive for anything else.  #socialism #NeoMarxism #PostModernism #marxism #politics


Saturday, May 6, 2023

Patrick Henry - Guard with jealous attention the public...

I have observed that tyranny builds slowly; layers of restrictions to liberty are--or can be--built slowly.  If so done, people seem to be more ready to accept them, these restrictions. History has taught me that, liberty can only be restored through bloody revolution.  Unfortunately, the second half of that Patrick Henry quote is quite dismal.


I think it was Partick Henry who said that you have to act like liberty is a precious jewel that you have to defend from those trying to steal it.

Fw: Let's Settle This - The results are in!

I was arguing--passionately--with Paul about Free Speech.  I put it to the audience. 

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Let's Settle This" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Tue, Nov 19, 2019 at 6:00 PM
Subject: Let's Settle This - The results are in!
Let's Settle This

The results are in! Brother 2 received 100% of the votes. It's settled!

Situation: My brother and I were having a debate about free speech. He said that you shouldn't have the right to say something if it hurts somebody else. He continued to counter with the statement that people can not be trusted with freedom of speech. I see it as a step toward totalitarianism. Who gets to decide what is okay, what is hurt, how to punish?

Brother 1: It should be illegal to say certain things.

Brother 2: Freedom of speech is an extension of freedom of thought, otherwise you are in the closet and persecuted for beliefs.

© 2019 LetsSettleThis, LLC

You Can Have Too Much Freedom

Is there a more repugnant phrase?  I don't believe the Marquis de Lafayette went far enough.  With his except whens peppered throughout his declaration, he effectively neutralized it.  I thought Jefferson did a much better job with his so long as stays within the boundary drawn around you by others clause.  But, even that doesn't go far enough.  I would say, not limited by law, not limited by others, your liberty should only be limited if it reduces the liberty of others, no other reason is ethical.  That makes me a radical.

Enemy of Liberty

This sums up his Prime Ministership.

Friday, May 5, 2023


I have an urge to start a little lawn library.  It's a thought which will not depart.  I'm thinking of buying ten paperbacks to stock it, and I'm trying to make that short list.  Here's what I have so far:

💠Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith
💠1984, George Orwell
💠Animal Farm, George Orwell
💠Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury
💠A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovish, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
💠Economic Facts and Fallacies, Thomas Sowell
💠Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson
💠Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen, Marquis de Lafayette

I need a few more, possibly a few different.  Thoughts?

The thought has crossed my mind that there is a high probability in my socialist neighbors setting the thing on fire.

Fw: Socialist Workers Paradise

I am pretty upset with the stupidity of those who lead.  How much?  Enough that I sent this message to the Minister of Health.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "William Ramier" <>
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: Sun, Apr 23, 2023 at 9:33 PM
Subject: Socialist Workers Paradise
Hon. Jean-Yves Duclos:

It isn't real, this paradise. Regarding the Perspectives on Climate Change and Public Health in Canada reportFire Dr. Tam, if she doesn't reject this report's findings, as well as the authors of the report. 

To quote Dr. Milton Friedman:

    In the only cases in which the masses have escaped from the kind of grinding poverty you're talking about, the only cases in     recorded history, are where they have had capitalism and largely free trade. [...] So that the record of history is absolutely crystal     clear, that there is no alternative way so far discovered of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the     productive activities that are unleashed by the free-enterprise system.

To paraphrase Dr. Thomas Sowell, he said that when he made the mistake of becoming a Marxist as a young man, it was in part because there was no good explanation from the other side as to what caused disparity in wealth.

As I paraphrase former President Ronald Reagan, who once pointed out, some people cannot look at a large man standing beside a small man without coming to the conclusion that the large man became that way by taking from the small man.

But, Karl Marx was wrong: Paraphrasing Dr. Jordan Peterson, wealth disparity isn't the fault of Capitalism; it is due to Price's Law.

To borrow an idea from Frederick Douglass, Socialism is the slavery of everyone to the group.  It is not the answer.

Communism has never worked anywhere it has been tried.

According to Vladimir Lenin, "The goal of Socialism is Communism."

Capitalism has lead to innovation and lifted the masses out of crushing debilitating poverty.


William Ramier
176 McNab St.
Stratford ON N5A 1Z4

Woke Mob

No longer confined to elites teaching at Marxist universities and their graduates becoming government policy makers, feminism is running amok in my workplace.  In a society where 51% of the population is female, Postmodernists and Neo-Marxists are cultivating a mindset of perpetual victimhood. It's a good gig, if you think about it.  Leftist lawmakers convince--via identity politics--a majority of the population that they are victimized, and there they have their useless idiot voter base.

In an office where there are six women and four men, I am routinely exposed to conversation including everything from their vaginas and their underwear to how much they hate men and how useless we (men) are.  And, they do it with impunity.  If I talked with the men about my c0c|< being swollen or how I liked boxers so my ba11$ could swing free, it would be a sexual harassment claim.  Why is it okay to talk about speckulems and paps?  It's not work, to be clear; it's society.  If I said women are irrational and overly emotional and can't make logical decisions, it would be a discrimination claim.  Why is it okay to say boldly and proudly that men are too neanderthal to understand how to be good parents?  I can only imagine how the women in the 50s and 60s must have felt in the workplace, being called Toots and being talked about like they weren't even in the room.  It was totally harassment to say that a broad's place is in the kitchen.