Tuesday, March 28, 2023

We sure are society's whipping boy

I'll open with a quote from Thomas Sowell:

"If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 60 years ago, a liberal 30 years ago and a racist today."

Although what I want to talk about today is actually Third Wave Feminism, they are very closely related subjects.  They use the same line of discriminatory thinking.

My dad believed that women couldn't do the work of a man; an old Cold Warrior, he believed that women couldn't be soldiers and pilots.  Hormones and a menstrual cycle and bla bla bla, they were the weaker sex.  I argued with him passionately, because I was a modern man.  I fought for equal treatment, equality under the law, equality.  Now, I'm a sexist, because I don't want special treatment for women.  Third Wave feminism fights for something they call equity, not equality.

Wokness has invaded my workplace.  Where, we recently celebrated Women's Day, talked about the pay gap, and where stereotypical harassing misandrist comments happen right in front of my face daily with impunity.  It's really quite ignorant, actually.  For me, however, sexist statements are verboten.  Some animals are more equal than others.

On the trail, as I run, I've noticed of late that women don't move over.  Men generally do.  Has it always been this way?  I'm expected, it seems, to run through the deep snow or mud.  Two weekends ago, as I ran the trail, two women were approaching me on skis.  The snow fall had made the trail of packed snow very narrow, about 18" wide.  They didn't move over, making me run around them through the snow that was mid shin deep...while they were on skis!  Skis!  Made for snow.  So, it seems as though it's equality when they want it, as Pearl Davis says on YouTube.  If you think I'm being harsh, then you're no better than the chauvinists who consider themselves women's betters.

Women are privileged. Lets look at some facts:
  • 51% of the population is female, and we live in a democracy, so if things suck...
  • Men are the minority, not women
  • Over 100 000 men are raped in prisons in North America each year, far more than the number of women raped
  • The majority of prison populations are men, and
  • Women serve far lighter sentences for the same crimes as men; systemic discrimination?
  • Women still get the children the majority of the time in the court's awarding of sole custody cases
  • Men are more likely to die as combatants in conflict, over 90% of casualties
  • Men make up the majority of workplace deaths
  • Women collect more old age pension than men and work for a shorter period of their lives than men do
  • Men make up the majority of suicides
  • Men are more likely to be murdered
  • Men are the majority of the homeless, and
  • Men have fewer resources and shelters available to them
There are many more stats like these.  Women are so privileged in society that we're actually having serious conversations about comparing T4 slips and giving more money to people who work fewer hours and also who chose work in lower paying jobs as compensation for their life choices and work ethic.  Socialism, taking from the hard working and giving to the hardly working.

My wife likes to leave the TV on these stupid reality shows.  The other day, there was a couple arguing.  The wife--with the husband off screen--exclaimed to the producer that we wasn't going to put up with the patriarchy.  And, she continued, the penis is a thinking tool and men cannot make logical decisions.  Can you imagine--for a moment--if I went on YouTube and said that women are emotional and having a vagina keeps you from being able to make rational decisions?  (Not a belief of mine, btw).  People would be screaming for me to be cancelled.  More, they would be contacting my employer to get me fired, putting public pressure on them to issue a statement that said something like we do not condone the actions and conduct of Mr. Ramier at ABC Inc., and furthermore bla bla bla as they booted my ass out the door.  We have taken steps to bla bla bla something something values something reflects our bla bal and he is no no longer employed here at ABC Inc.

This week, we were invited for Supper to the house of a friend, a young couple.  The after Supper conversation got heavy and dark.  The topic of the Residential Schools came up.  I gave my candid raw honest opinion on the subject.  My host, an intelligent and insightful young woman, proclaimed that what I had to say was logical, but that nobody would ever let me speak.  In a world where the woke censors the critical thinkers, there is no tolerance for diversity of opinion nor freedom of speech.

Sure, I'm bitter.  I'm just so tired of always being responsible for everything that has ever gone wrong personally.

I'll close with a statement on a related topic that is closely related to something once said by a great man.  I share a dream, that one day people will be judged by the content of their character. 

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