Saturday, March 4, 2023

Bad Person

I already know I'm a bad person, that's why I need Jesus.  But, I can get into a religious monologue on another occasion. 

So, I went to the Rotary Complex to run today.  On the track, on the third lap, a hockey game started.  They began with the singing of Oh Canada.  I was the only person in the arena who didn't stop, which would have wrecked my workout.  Does that make me a bad person?

I felt bad, felt the stares, so I started to sing as I ran.  Another runner stopped, stood ramrod straight, and faced the flag.  He was not necessarily a new Canadian, but was of a darker skin pigmentation. Leading me to wonder, did he feel he would be harrassed for his lack of attention due to race?  Or, maybe, he was very patriotic.  New Canadians tend to be, often.  My family has been here since the late 1700s, and I prioritized running.

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