Friday, March 3, 2023

Typographical Errors

I've written about typos before.  Iij hate them.  With large fingers and small keyboards, it's hard.  Sometimes autocorrect catches them.  Often, it causes them.  It's been said that autocorrect is my enemas. 

When they happen, often the reader will know what the writer intended.  There are times, however, where it changes or obscures the meaning.  Plus, it looks sloppy and unprofessional. So, typos are bad.

Proofreading my own work doesn't help.  My brain reads what I meant, not what I wrote, in many cases.

Is it just my imagination, or is this something that's getting worse?  Literate people of antiquity didn't have this issue, nor Victorian age scribes.  It doesn't help me that my spelling is atrocious or that my writing is near illegible, not that they even teach cursive anymore.

Schools may own more of the blame than we realize.  Napoleonic era grammar school students can spell much better than the majority of people today.  Do we rely too heavily on spellcheck?  Have we gotten "lazy" and complacent?

The unprofessional appearance of the typo gets to me the most.  Although, logically, the lost intent should bother me more.

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