Will the funky sun stuff make all our other problems irrelevant?
Friday, March 31, 2023
Thursday, March 30, 2023
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
I read the wrong psalm
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
We sure are society's whipping boy
- 51% of the population is female, and we live in a democracy, so if things suck...
- Men are the minority, not women
- Over 100 000 men are raped in prisons in North America each year, far more than the number of women raped
- The majority of prison populations are men, and
- Women serve far lighter sentences for the same crimes as men; systemic discrimination?
- Women still get the children the majority of the time in the court's awarding of sole custody cases
- Men are more likely to die as combatants in conflict, over 90% of casualties
- Men make up the majority of workplace deaths
- Women collect more old age pension than men and work for a shorter period of their lives than men do
- Men make up the majority of suicides
- Men are more likely to be murdered
- Men are the majority of the homeless, and
- Men have fewer resources and shelters available to them
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
What if they feed my bad wolf?
It has been said that the wolf you feed is the wolf that grows. You know, there are two wolves inside us all?
I am not ignorant to the fact that I have much anger inside me, as we approach IWD. I'm just tired of being at fault for others' suffering by virtue of the fact that I am a man. Judge me by the content of my character and not by the colour of my penis?
The Day Allelujah Ended
Monday, March 6, 2023
My Hippies are liberals, for sure. I have no doubt. That’s why I could never be a member of the clergy; I would find it very difficult to be all things to all people. It causes me enough grief as I even try to witness.
Jesus Revolution
Saturday, March 4, 2023
Bad Words
Bad Person
Free Speech is the cornerstone of Western Civilization
FBI Director Makes Stunning Admission About COVID-19 So why did #Facebook censor my post about the lab? Isn't that a prime example of #Censorship of #FreeSpeech that suppressed the actual truth of what was going on? Isn't that THE reason that Free Speech is ao important and must be protected from the government? Tell me that they weren't in collusion with the government, leftist woke mob. #plandemic https://www.analyzingamerica.org/2023/02/682541/?utm_source=mcotr#lepk2qd0376uptwkvjn
Friday, March 3, 2023
Pointless, less than having a point
I like to link things. Lots of times, I find videos, articles, or posts that articulate one of my points really well. The problem with posting links like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pskIQVjAzdw&t=475s in my blog is that eventually they will do dead. Videos are deleted, web pages disappear, etc... Still, the temptation is there to use them. In the moment, they are fantastic. Years later, they make for a pointless post. As a post: Subject line reading, "Check this out," with a body of only http://www.deadpage.edu/reallycoolresearch for the reader is pretty friggen pointless.
Typographical Errors
Thursday, March 2, 2023
A kind and merciful God
I was reading Psalm 10 tonight. It made me think of the age old philosophical question: Why do bad things happen to good people. And, where is God in all of it.