Friday, July 30, 2021


Am I the only one in the world who believes that in logos look like a squid?

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Psalm 39

I was reading Psalm 39 recently.  It was personally significant to me, in light of my recient visit with my Dad in the retirement home.  It wasn't a great visit...

Very Odd Dream

Last night I dreamt that there was a massive sun flare that came dangerous close to the Earth.  It was loud, like thunder.  It happened at 9 p.m. EDT.  Chandra and I were sheltering in the basement.  We were watching Road to Avonlea on VHS.  It was bad quality, tracking was off with fuzzy picture, and it didn't fit the screen.  Cindy didn't come down right away.  She wanted to put laundry away or something. She came down with the worst sun burn I've ever seen.  She told us that Anna Mae's was gone, destroyed.  The restaurant from Milverton was wiped off the face of the Earth.  

This wasn't an ELE, but it was damn close.  I went to the attic of a house next door where they were selling supplies.  I could see Cindy next door through the windows.  The crowd looked restless in this store.  I made sure everyone saw my six shooter.  A slimeball started to immediately become overly friendly toward me.  I said goodbye and left.  

Paging Dr. Freud.  Paging Dr. Sigmund Freud. 

Sacrilegious Ghosts

Maybe the question isn't whether or not we're in the Matrix.  Maybe the real question is how long have we been in here.

This might be sacrilegious of me to ask:  But, were Elijah and Moses at the transfiguration just restarted apps that had been shut down, as Dr. Gates explains ghosts in the simulation?  

None of this means that God does not exist, of course.  To me, there is no conflict.  Just as with creation and evolution, both can be possible.  So, maybe it's not blasphemous after all to ask...

Read up on the Error Correction Code in physics.


The Churches still are not opened up yet.  Some have, and the authorities brought the hammer down.  

From the perspective of science, we refused to allow simple minded primitive superstitions to put people at risk.  We realized that people of faith would not be protected in large gatherings.

From a faith perspective, maybe we trusted God to guide us to safety...through the instructions of the authorities.  We recognized...maybe...that we did the right thing for our neighbors by not putting them at risk in large gatherings.  We closed our Churches.

Many see it as the abandonment of people of faith by the Church and by Church leaders.  I can see it.  It is unprecedented, I'm sure; many times, in times of plague and disease, the ordained and those in holy orders put their faith in God and ministered to the sick and the person...physically there.  The Church was open for those who needed spiritual support through their suffering.  Right or wrong, protected or not, they believed and helped.  Some died.

We closed the Churches.

Sunday, July 4, 2021

You can't lay the residential school graves at the feet of White people. Responsibility belongs to academia, educators, politicians, bureaucrats, the elite in society, the seminarians, the social scientists, and their ilk who believed that, if only we could educate everybody, education will eliminate poverty and undesirable social conditions, and brought about by an end justifies the means approach by those who know what's best for us. God save us from those who--with good intentions--force what's best for us upon us for our own good and welfare.

You can't lay the residential school graves at the feet of White people.  Responsibility belongs to academia, educators, politicians, bureaucrats, the elite in society, the seminarians, the social scientists, and their ilk who believed that, if only we could educate everybody, education will eliminate poverty and undesirable social conditions, and brought about by an end justifies the means approach by those who know what's best for us.  God save us from those who--with good intentions--force what's best for us upon us for our own good and welfare.