Monday, December 17, 2018


Just the facts Ma'am?  

-Refugees are not legal immigrants.
-Students on visas are not legal immigrants. 
-Border jumpers are not legal immigrants.
-Terriorists are not legal immigrants.
-Irregular is double speak.
-Migrant is an ambitious term.
-Legal immigrants apply for citizenship.
-Immigration should be controlled. 
-Borders should be secure.
-Newcomers should be vetted.
-The UN should not dictate domestic policy.
-Immigration criticism is to be criminalized under the UN Compact. 
-The UN Compact calls for the resettlement of 125 million people. 
-Our infastructure and social safety net can't accommodate open borders.
-We don't have jobs enough for open borders.
-We should be using immigration to better the lives of all Canadians. 
-We should be trying to fix the problem over there.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Is the point of technology really to eliminate all work?

At some point, as technology steams ahead, we will have to halt automation in favour of jobs; if not for the benifit of the economy, it will be to give people purpose, meaningful work.  As much as some dream of the day when nobody has to work and machines do it all, is that really any better than being trapped inside The Matrix?  What kind of an empty existence would that be?

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


I had a dream that I sold short on stock for some company and the stock surged ahead and I owed something like $2 000 000.00 and ended up getting sentenced to 20 years in prison. 

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


The psalm tonight, 84 I believe, spoke of help in the valleys, sounded like a promise, and gave me hope and gladness. 


Colour blind racism, if everybody were treating every person as equal now, there wouldn't be a need for affirmative action or ... "equity".  

These programs are perpetuating the problem. 

Red Dawn

Real life Red Dawn:

They don't have to invade; the socialists are already here, in Toronto, Hamilton Vancouver, New York, San Fransisco, Montreal, etc...  Antifa and other leftist groups are pushing for a totalitarian socialist system of state's rights over individual's rights.

Monday, October 15, 2018


I'm not anti-establishment. I believe in the rule of law.  It's just that I believe that those laws should protect us from the government first and then from each other.  The roll of government should be to protect is from those and from nations who will attack our rights and freedoms and to safeguard our laws.

Friday, September 28, 2018


You know you're not a clone as long as the DNA test kit is sitting unopened on the shelf at home.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Bunk II

Fond memories under the stars of the Caribbean Sea, I can't wait to get back aboard.


As close to my Navy dream as I ever got, but I spent it with those I loved the most in life.

Monday, July 30, 2018

If you pull the wings off a fly, is it then a walk?

I did something barbaric yesterday, kind of by accident.  Mom hosted a corn boil and invited the neighborhood.  There were flies flying around the food on the tables.  I had the BBQ lighter in my hand and a fly landed on the table in front of me.  I pointed it at the fly, moved it closer, and clicked it.  I fully expected the fly to fly off unharmed.  I was just just goofing around with the lighter, pretending to light Mom's, Cindy's, and Paul's arms earlier.  To my horror, the fly was suddenly alight and writhing in pain.  I swatted him to kill him immediately.  I felt instantly evil, and imagined myself no better than the ruthless ignorant children (or future serial killers) who fry ants with a magnifying glass and take pleasure in the poor creature's suffering.  I felt guilty for the split second thoughtless act and odd at the same time for feeling so; I would have thought no more for swatting it in the first place.  Am I nuts; or, am I on the right track?


More & More Strange Dreams

So, for the last three nights, I have had strange dreams.  The first two nights, I dreamed about Donald Trump.  He was a very nice man and funny.  Nothing too out of the ordinary there, other than, I had the dream two nights in a row.  Last night however, I dreamed that I was attacked by a Succubus.  She looked like Mystique from X-Men, except very dark (navy blue?).  She was very attractive and was trying to seduce me.  For some reason, my wife was in the next room; doing what, I don't know.  I tried to kill the succubus; I ran her through at least three times with an ebony blade, a cavalry saber.  I buried it to the hilt in her abdomen.  It didn't seem to harm or anger her.  I very much wanted to sleep with her.  Then she took my cell phone and was texting Cindy that I was cheating on her.  I awoke and so the dream ended.


Saturday, July 21, 2018

The One Sin That Can Not Be Forgiven

For a long time, I wasn't sure what it meant to blaspheme the Holy Spirit, or I thought it might be to insult the Holy Spirit. I've heard many different interpretations, including evangelical preachers saying that it was to commit the same sins over and over again--which doesn't follow for me. Some weeks ago, at a Sunday morning service, it was in the Gospel reading and I think I got it. It seems to have been in front of my face the whole time, meant to be taken at face value in the contest of the story in that Gospel reading; Jesus miracles being accused of being of the Devil was in fact blaspheming the Holy Spirit. That which is of the Spirit being labeled as of the Devil was to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. I think I got it now.


When a batter can't hit the curve ball, we don't blame White Privilege. Why do we when somebody is shot breaking and entering?

P.S. This is why I love baseball.

Gun Debate


On Wednesday morning I had a scare; I woke up, went down stairs, and ccouldn't get me eyes to focus.  I could see the leaves outside sharp.  But, I couldn't see stuff on the kitchen counter clear.  I know that eye sight deteriorates over time, but it shouldn't change in one day.  It has been fine since then.  I'm not sure what happened.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Ephesinas 4:2

For a long time, if asked what my favorite verse was, I would have told you that it was John 3:16.  The tried and true, oft' used, much quoted 3:16.  I guess what attracted me to the verse was the promise; the promise of love, forgiveness, acceptance, salvation.  It should have stayed my favourite verse, being such a noble verse of such great qualities.  As I grew, waxed and waned in my faith, it was replaced as my favourite verse.  Maybe because of the interdenominational rejection I witnessed along with the constant bickering.  My new favourite verse became Ephesians 4:5.  It held promise that all God's people were the people of God.  That there was one God, if you worshiped differently you were still worshiping Him.  I often look it up.  One day, by chance or otherwise, I said--aloud I think--Ephesians 4:2 rather than 4:5.  I don't know why, silly error.  Then, on the spot/spur of the moment, I decided to look it up.  It spoke to me at the time, and I wish I could capture the essence of what it said.  But, it seems it was meant for the moment perhaps.

P.S.  Likewise, Hebrews 13 was a resent reading that kicked me in the pants and got my attention--so much there; but, that for another post.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Strange dreams lately...

I have had a few strange dreams as of late.  First, I had a Black son named Carl; and, I was having a discussion about if he was possibly sub-contiously named after the ghost in our house of man who died with the name Carl.  Another night, I dreamt that detectives arrived to arrest me for a murder I was convicted of by a trial I never attended.  I got away out the window and was on the lam.  I tried to contact my wife through cryptic Kiji ads and worried about getting my guns to my daughter.  Strange...

God's Word healed and delivered them from sin.

107:20 He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.  Psalms

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Great Advice From The Pope

I Am Racist

I am racist.  Are you happy now?  I just want to give up, to give in, to stop fighting, to submit.  You win; you're right.  I am.  Now, as I'm a racist, lets move on.  I admit it, lets continue to argue and debate and move beyond this slanderous term.

I remember when I was young, I was watching TV, the Fresh Prince of Bel Air I believe.  It could have been In Living Colour or any of a number of shows.  Anyway, I remember being so proud of myself upon reflecting on my immediate acceptance of a character played by an African-American actor when being introduced as the son of a white couple.  I didn't bat an eye.  I didn't balk at the idea at all. 

I never saw DJ 2 as Black.  He didn't look black to me.  I was genuinely surprised to learn that he was bi-racial.  I only hated him because he was a Yankee, and feared his ability (I'd say respected, but he was a Yankee after all).  I didn't see the Black; I only saw the ball.  And, it doesn't matter; what does skin colour have to do with ability?  I've heard, though, that white racists only see the Black in bi-racial children and reject them as outsiders.  I've heard that. 

As a matter of fact, taking white privilege to the maximum, some educated leaders at institution of higher learning would say that I am racist because I am white.  Side note:  I'm not white; my native heritage aside, I still wouldn't be white (not that it's overly significant other than to me, my mother's great grandmother was Mic Mac).  I'm actually Normand/Scottish/English/Mic Mac with United Empire Loyalist roots and ties to the Huguenots; despite the fact that my father was adopted, I am descended from Old Peter (Ramier), or so I'm told.  My native heritage, I know very little about; in our community as I grew up, I remained ignorant of that part of my heritage as it was hidden due to embarrassment and not talked about.  No judgement, that's just the way things were.  Remember, I'm white.

And, my native heritage doesn't act as a get out of jail free card, nor would I want it to.  After all, it's got nothing to do with why I'm racist.  So, why am I racist then?  Well...

I'm racist because I don't believe that a Black person who is less qualified should get a job over a white person who is better qualified because they are Black.  I don't believe that Indians (natives) should receive money for nothing.  I don't believe that social spending/programs should be available to Muslims and not to others.  I don't believe in social engineering, a mistake from the get go.  I hate social justice, and find it most unpalatable.  I'm racist because I think we are not all the same and must all be treated equally.  Read this again:  We must all be treated equally.  I'm racist because I believe that free speech shouldn't be censored because it offends.  I'm racist because I believe that there should be a Christmas tree in the town square.  That's most of why I'm racist.  Move past the bigotry and engage me intellectually.

P.S.  I'm also sexist.

...and homophobic.

...while were doing this, lets throw Islamaphobic in there too.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Which Witch

A conservative friend, a naive friend, in the ACC suggested that my issuse may be imagined.  I could be seeing ptoblems where there aren't any.  Well, the front page of The Anglican Journal for January puts that speculation to rest.  We've gone from censorship and exclusion to a witch hunt.


The break is almost over, hard to bbelieve.  It flew by.  Faced with the prospect of returning to the salt mine, reflecting on purpose and also on the changes & challenges ahead, it is daunting and demoralizing.  How to stay positive? 

My mistakes, I hoped, would make you better than I.

The accusation:  We're not as different as you might want to think.

The reflection:  I never said we were, but I was hoping we would be.

Bump In The Night

I had a nightmare last night.  As per usual, it involved possession/exorcism.   I don't remember much now.  It Iinvolved a woman and she may have been a nun.  That's all I can recall.  I awoke muttering to myself as I was attempting to cast out a demon in my dream.  Needless to say, I had trouble getting back to sleep. 

Super Size Me

Can sin be super sized?  Adultery with a married person vs. adultry of a married person.  I know all sin is supposidly equal, but in my gut I feel it can be super sized.