Monday, July 30, 2018

More & More Strange Dreams

So, for the last three nights, I have had strange dreams.  The first two nights, I dreamed about Donald Trump.  He was a very nice man and funny.  Nothing too out of the ordinary there, other than, I had the dream two nights in a row.  Last night however, I dreamed that I was attacked by a Succubus.  She looked like Mystique from X-Men, except very dark (navy blue?).  She was very attractive and was trying to seduce me.  For some reason, my wife was in the next room; doing what, I don't know.  I tried to kill the succubus; I ran her through at least three times with an ebony blade, a cavalry saber.  I buried it to the hilt in her abdomen.  It didn't seem to harm or anger her.  I very much wanted to sleep with her.  Then she took my cell phone and was texting Cindy that I was cheating on her.  I awoke and so the dream ended.


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