Monday, July 30, 2018

If you pull the wings off a fly, is it then a walk?

I did something barbaric yesterday, kind of by accident.  Mom hosted a corn boil and invited the neighborhood.  There were flies flying around the food on the tables.  I had the BBQ lighter in my hand and a fly landed on the table in front of me.  I pointed it at the fly, moved it closer, and clicked it.  I fully expected the fly to fly off unharmed.  I was just just goofing around with the lighter, pretending to light Mom's, Cindy's, and Paul's arms earlier.  To my horror, the fly was suddenly alight and writhing in pain.  I swatted him to kill him immediately.  I felt instantly evil, and imagined myself no better than the ruthless ignorant children (or future serial killers) who fry ants with a magnifying glass and take pleasure in the poor creature's suffering.  I felt guilty for the split second thoughtless act and odd at the same time for feeling so; I would have thought no more for swatting it in the first place.  Am I nuts; or, am I on the right track?


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