Tuesday, January 2, 2018

I Am Racist

I am racist.  Are you happy now?  I just want to give up, to give in, to stop fighting, to submit.  You win; you're right.  I am.  Now, as I'm a racist, lets move on.  I admit it, lets continue to argue and debate and move beyond this slanderous term.

I remember when I was young, I was watching TV, the Fresh Prince of Bel Air I believe.  It could have been In Living Colour or any of a number of shows.  Anyway, I remember being so proud of myself upon reflecting on my immediate acceptance of a character played by an African-American actor when being introduced as the son of a white couple.  I didn't bat an eye.  I didn't balk at the idea at all. 

I never saw DJ 2 as Black.  He didn't look black to me.  I was genuinely surprised to learn that he was bi-racial.  I only hated him because he was a Yankee, and feared his ability (I'd say respected, but he was a Yankee after all).  I didn't see the Black; I only saw the ball.  And, it doesn't matter; what does skin colour have to do with ability?  I've heard, though, that white racists only see the Black in bi-racial children and reject them as outsiders.  I've heard that. 

As a matter of fact, taking white privilege to the maximum, some educated leaders at institution of higher learning would say that I am racist because I am white.  Side note:  I'm not white; my native heritage aside, I still wouldn't be white (not that it's overly significant other than to me, my mother's great grandmother was Mic Mac).  I'm actually Normand/Scottish/English/Mic Mac with United Empire Loyalist roots and ties to the Huguenots; despite the fact that my father was adopted, I am descended from Old Peter (Ramier), or so I'm told.  My native heritage, I know very little about; in our community as I grew up, I remained ignorant of that part of my heritage as it was hidden due to embarrassment and not talked about.  No judgement, that's just the way things were.  Remember, I'm white.

And, my native heritage doesn't act as a get out of jail free card, nor would I want it to.  After all, it's got nothing to do with why I'm racist.  So, why am I racist then?  Well...

I'm racist because I don't believe that a Black person who is less qualified should get a job over a white person who is better qualified because they are Black.  I don't believe that Indians (natives) should receive money for nothing.  I don't believe that social spending/programs should be available to Muslims and not to others.  I don't believe in social engineering, a mistake from the get go.  I hate social justice, and find it most unpalatable.  I'm racist because I think we are not all the same and must all be treated equally.  Read this again:  We must all be treated equally.  I'm racist because I believe that free speech shouldn't be censored because it offends.  I'm racist because I believe that there should be a Christmas tree in the town square.  That's most of why I'm racist.  Move past the bigotry and engage me intellectually.

P.S.  I'm also sexist.

...and homophobic.

...while were doing this, lets throw Islamaphobic in there too.

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Please don't censor me; I am trying to be honest and it is not my intention to offend anybody. If I have offended you personally, I ask you to accept my apologizes, forgive me, and consider not visiting my blog for my benefit.