Saturday, December 31, 2016


I've never shot myself.  I've never exploded a barrel.   I've never had a hang fire or explosion.   I got a knife for Christmas and six days later I cut my thumb.  Interesting...

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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Wednesday, December 28, 2016


I never hear positive comments about them.  I never hear that they are hard working or that they are gogetters or that they are advocates of liberty.  I akways hear how negative, socially impaired,  lazy, self centred, and greedy they are with no drive to work to better themselves.

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Lets be China.

When I was a kid we had bike lanes; they were called the €uc/<1ng sidewalks.  Cars are a much greater risk to cyclists than cyclists are to pedestrians.  Lets put the bikes on the road to be unsafe and impeed the flow of traffic, stupid communists.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Move or Delete

Could the transfer of consciousness from flesh to machine be copy and delete rather than move.

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Be in the world, not of the world.

The Christmas readings included a phrase regarding the disregarding of worldly passions.  As I sat there in Church, I thought to myself that I allow my world passions to spur me to action most often.  But then too, what makes environmentalism and socialism okay in faith and Church.  I am not alone with this bane.

Irish Whiskey

Here's a metaphor:  I was told once that the two big distillers in Ireland were Bushmills and Jameson, and that the Protestants drank Bushmills while the Catholics drank the Jameson; oddly, they are orange and green respectively; outwardly, they are different in appearance; once poured, they are both orange; while Protestants believe they are the pure Christian faithful, once you strip away the ritual of the Catholic faith they are also true Christians.  We are all the same on the inside.

Full Metal Porn Crash

When I went to bed on Christmas Day, I had a very strange dream.  Who'd have thought, me having a strange dream?  This dream--or dreams--had two distinct parts, like the movie Full Metal Jacket.  The first part was strange and had a porn theme.  I was in a brothel or a porno or both.  I can't remember much.  Although, I didn't have sex; but I think I was about to.  Then, abruptly it seemed, there was a plain crash.  A plane crashed on a house or building that Cindy and Chandra were in.  I remember asking if they were okay and being told that they were dead.  I asked for or looked for the bodies.  I found Chandra's body.  She was about eleven or twelve years old I think.  My heritage gone, I remember being ready to make another deal.  Then, she started breathing.  I was overjoyed.  I awoke shortly after and I'm not sure what happened with Cindy.  A very disturbing dream on the whole.

Forgive not forget?

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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Gun Control

I first met you during a campaign stop in the 2007 Ontario general election.  I was quite disheartened that you did not win and become our Premier.  Today, I would like to briefly bring your attention to the issue of gun control.  While I understand the problem of gun violence in Toronto, the focus needs to be on criminal possession of firearms, criminal acts with firearms, and on enforcing the already tough firearms legislation.  Legislating away liberty, making responsible firearm owners criminals is not the answer.  Making it harder to obey the law will not make those who already disregard the law follow the law.  Please don't seek to punish hunters, collectors, and sports shooters.  Don't lump us all together with criminals.

Sunday, December 18, 2016


Could the star of Bethlehem have been an angel rather than an actual star in the sky that lead the wise men to Jesus?  Star has been used as a synonym in the Bible for angel in other places.  A third of the stars were taken from the sky by the dragon's tail.

Bake Me a Turkey

This old liberal lady at Church today commented to me that because Cindy was working up until Christmas Eve, I should be cooking the Christmas meal (turkey or whatever).  I thought she was very transparent and this old battle axe needs to stop the fight.  I wouldn't say to her to get in the kitchen and make a sandwich; but, that's what I heard.  I started thinking about when Cindy and I were engaged and the subject of her changing her last name came up.  I said that I would prefer if she took my name, but that I didn't insist on it and that it was her choice.  She sacrificed.  She compromised and took my name.  I also wanted to get married in a Church.  I got that too.  Cindy really gave a lot.  But, I gave her the choice about the last name.  I was a lot more tolerant then I think.  Feminazis have beaten the liberal out of me.  If you read my blot, you'll likely remember my retelling of my high school math teacher and my first exposure to the un-level playing field that is liberal equality.  It was my first, and far from last, experience with discrimination.  I was so naive. 

P.S.  I have no cooking skill (judge me if you will); to assume a man (husband) of the 21st century should cook is no better (in my eyes) than to assume that a woman should not work (and be a home maker). 


So, I was out on the rang--all by my lonesome--and in walks an East Indian man.  Because we shared this common interest, I was far less suspicious and I reflected on this for a while.  Why?

Red Roof Inn

I guess St. Paul's didn't need that red steel roof after all.  It seems like a waste when the building will most likely be taken down in the near future.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Saint Ball

So, T minus x until the wrecking ball, but I was thinking, maybe God is going to force my hand.  Maybe I won't have to choose to leave or to stay at St. Paul's Church.  I may have no home Church in the near future.  They dropped a bombshell at Parish Council as they began to discuss possible plans for the closure of St. Paul's, fresh on the heals of the demolition of St. John's United Church right across the street, sad times.


Just my personal observation, and thinking about what Archdeacon Peter said about his home parish and how the men congregated outside the Church while the women worshiped inside, I believe Jesus takes root deeper in women.  Or, at least, more women come to the faith than men do.

Please Mr. Simpson, our species has reached the limits of what anal probing can teach us.

I was watching an Operation Smile, much like Mercy Ships which I support, and I started to think:  What if aliens are abducting humans to help them, like tagging and releasing whales and such?

It's Not a Bad Dog, It's a Bad Owner

Tell me again why guns are evil?

Friday, December 16, 2016


The socialist society we live in promotes playing the victim to gain any kind of incentives.   Anybody who sees the insidious nature of this unfair dependency that is created is a racist, bigot,  or uncle tom.

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Global Warming Man Caused? Could it be, might it be, begging the question? Could industrialization and warming be happening concurrently and be unrelated? And a little false dilemma right at the end to boot.

Help this great cause of saving drowning salmon.  Every year, salmon leap high into the air at the rapids to escape their watery grave.  Many fish die it this water.  Think about how they feel; you can't breath under water, can you?  Imagine that you were gasping for air, jumping to escape the water but constantly falling back into the airless liquid.  Little is being done to save these poor creatures.  Visit to give now.  You can either do something or hate fish. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Sorry kids, mommy's a whore.

I'm not picking on just women here.  The example most reciently shown to me is just fresh in my mind.  Could the reason so many marriages fail today be that people are incredibly selfish?  I think so.

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A heartless b1+<h at Christmas.

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Who needs a gun?

Nobody needs to paint.  Needs are food, shelter, water, etc...  You can buy your food in the supermarket without painting.  The right to paint is not paramount.  We should therefore get rid of art all together in society.


I had a dream that I got a tattoo on my hand and instantly regretted it.  I thought, "Why didn't I get it on my left hand at least," thinking of The Mark of The Beast.

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Monday, December 12, 2016


Sometimes he hits me hard.


William Ramier

Manufacturing Shokucho


Cell: 519-535-8027




Last week's scripture readings at Church got me thinking about religious authorities.  The prophet Isaiah proclaimed that the asp and the adder would be harmless.  John then, in the Gospel reading, refers to the religious leaders as vipers.  I started thinking, if religious leaders are snakes, they have fulfilled prophesy in a way; they have become relatively harmless.  The separation of Church and state, democracy, and the growing impotency of the Church in society has made these snakes mostly harmless.  Although, they can still deny burial in sacred ground to suicides, deny marriage to the unchurched, deny communion to the unbaptized, marginalize the outcasts and those with excess alike, restrict participation of the unlike minded, use Church/faith as a means to an end, and deny ordination to those who may hold traditional and opposing views on doctrine or theology.

The Hammer Doesn't Fall Far from the Sickle

Nightmare in Green Part III

Nightmare in Green Part II

Nightmare in Green

Rewarding Vice as Virtue

A popular saying is that liberals believe that everybody should be equal at the finishing line; conservatives believe that everybody should be equal at the starting line. By making everybody equal at the finishing line, we reward bad decisions in life, bad & poor choices, lack of effort, laziness, productiveness, lack of contribution, and harm (at some level) to others.