Saturday, July 27, 2013

Take the Fight to the Institutions of Learning

Stalin said that education was a weapon; he was right.  If conservatives are to win, we can't just fight at the poles.  We've already lost.  The education system churns out class after class, generation after generation, of liberals.  The public school system, a social institution ran by left leaning unionized teachers, shapes the minds of the young.  Those who go on to higher education, also attend institutions funded in part by a great amount of social spending.  Go figure that institutions that are the recipients of social spending show favor to (and teach) left leaning ideology.  The whole education system, from top to bottom, is biased.  This kids come out fighting mad, believing they are championing the right (correct).  They don't know anything else.  They don't know any better.  Institutions of higher learning are festering with liberal biased bigoted instructors.  The educated liberal elite are cultured, educated and enlightened products of this system who go on to be those limousine liberals who make the working class pay through the nose for the lifestyle of the lazy in their social engineering experiments.

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